Page 75 of Her Filthy Secret

“If you are all done with your heart to heart come tell me where I can find a skillet.” Harbor stands on the threshold with her hip braced against the doorframe. Luckily, she put on clothes before we came downstairs, or it might have been even more of an awkward conversation.

“I need to get a new lock for this place.”

“Yes, you do.” Her eyes dance. “At least he waited downstairs rather than when Sofia barged in on us.” She rests her hand on Connor’s bicep. “I was covered in a blanket, so she didn’t see anything.”

“So, I heard.”

“How did you hear that? It’s not like we took out a newspaper ad and shouted it to the world.” Now, it’s my turn to eye him up and down.

“Never mind.” Heat creeps up his neck and settles on his cheeks.

“Hypocrite.” I shake my head and walk with Harbor back to the kitchen, pointing out the cabinet where the skillet is located. I’m not going to press Connor for one second about my sister. If they’re at the point where they’re having civil conversations, I’m in favor of it. Besides, I’m under no illusions she hasn’t had sex. That flew out the window when she came up pregnant with Sofia.

“Let it go for now.” He follows us into the kitchen.


We chat about town, family, work, and a little bit of everything as we work together to make grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Connor opens the soup and warms it on the stove while Harbor and I handle the grilled cheese sandwiches.

By the time lunch is over, we’re laughing about high school antics as Harbor leans against my side. It feels right to have them both here. Laughing. Talking. Getting along. But what’s next? Do we still get together if I move to San Francisco? It would require hanging out at his place.

I glance around the room. I’ve not lived here long, but I love the place. The kitchen and dining room are big enough for decent-sized gatherings. There are 2 ½ bathrooms and four bedrooms. The front porch is perfect for hanging out and chatting with the neighbors. And the backyard is fenced in with room for a dog to roam and kids to play.

Hold the phone. You haven’t gotten to the point of marriage and kids. She glances up at me, and I fall deeper into those blue eyes; forgetting my previous objection. Maybe I am ready for those things. It’s not like we haven’t known each other for over 20 years. I practically spent more time at her house growing up than I did my own.

I cup her cheek and kiss her lightly on the lips. “Babe, I’ve got to head to work.”

“Oh….” Her face falls as if she’s already missing me. “I didn’t realize it was so late.”

“If you two would’ve skipped the last two orgasms, you would’ve had lunch at noon rather than 2 o’clock.” He shoves his chair back, causing it to scrape on the floor. “And saved me from having to cover my head with a pillow.”

“You could have left and come back,” I smart back without dropping her gaze.

“I could have, but I kept thinking you’d surely get hungry for something besides my sister.”

“Shut up.” Harbor flips him off without looking. “And go if you don’t want to hear another one.”

“I’m out of here.” His feet are heavy on the floor as he marches across the kitchen. Before he leaves, he turns. “I’m happy for you guys. I know I said a lot of shit before, but it was mostly because I didn’t want you to start something if you weren’t ready to commit.” He waits until we’re both looking at him to continue. “Because I would’ve had to kick your ass and string your balls up from the school flagpole.”

“I love you, too.” Harbor’s eyes shine as she waves goodbye to him.

“Love you, Pipsqueak. Cole.” He nods and strides out the door.

“Well…. That went better than I expected.” She inches closer until she’s practically riding my leg.

“Let’s see what else that can go better than expected.” I lift the hem of her shirt.

“You better get busy.” She gives me a cheeky grin and slips her top off, exposing her perfect breasts. “I have high expectations.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Several Days Later


As I follow behind my boss, typing a new appointment into the electronic scheduler, my mind drifts back to Cole and the weekend. Once Connor knew we were a couple, there wasn’t much need to keep it a secret.

Okay, there was no keeping it a secret. The man has a big mouth. So, we went to dinner at his parent’s house, and his niece and nephew entertained us with stories of unicorns flying on glitter-covered roads. Their imaginations are both entertaining and addictive. I’ve never been around a lot of children as the youngest with no nieces and nephews, and while my bestie is pregnant, there’s no baby to spoil yet. However, being around them brought out my maternal instincts, and now when I see babies, I’m getting all goo-goo eyes.