Page 69 of Her Filthy Secret

“What good news?” I ease back into the seat and roll my shoulders. For some reason, I can’t think of one thing that she could say that I’d consider good news.

“I’ve moved back to Meadow Bay.”

“That’s nice.”

Her eyes furrow into deep lines. “That’s all you have to say? You aren’t excited I’m back? This is what you wanted. You wanted me to realize leaving was a mistake. That breaking up with you was a mistake. And now, I do. I miss you and want to get back together.” She arches into me until her breasts are brushing my upper arm. “Isn’t that what you wanted? Isn’t this what you want?”

Chapter Thirty-Five


Seeing Hadley all up on Cole after being ghosted all evening is a low blow I didn’t need. I slouch into my chair with my mom on my right and pretend not to glare death daggers at the both of them.

Seriously? What is up with him? When I showed up, he was as attentive as a guy can get without being able to touch me, and then boom–it was like he smacked me in the face with a 2x4.

Rushed us inside, ignored me, flat-out implied having sex with me would be the worst thing he could have ever done, stomped off with his panties in a twist, and now–this? Hanging out with his ex–the snarky cheerleader who made fun of me back in high school. I frown. How long has she been back in town?

I tip the beer to my lips and swallow. I’d like to clobber her over the head with a 2x4.

My mom touches my arm. “Honey, he doesn’t love her.”

“How do you know?” The words are out of my mouth before I realize my mistake. I glance around to see if anyone is paying attention to us, but they aren’t. The boys are shooting pool and darts while planning the after-party when the bar closes for the night.

“Because I know him, and I’ve seen how he looks at you.” A small smile curves up her cheeks. “And that was before I saw the photo shoot. He’s always looked at you like a dieter who’s denying themselves the largest piece of chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting slathered on top.”

“Like he hated chocolate and was anticipating a nut allergy?”

Hadley steps back when Cole stands and eases away from the bar while my brother glares at him, turns on his heel, and stomps out the door.

“No….” She shakes her head, and I shift my attention to her. “He looks at you like you’re the only thing he sees. He always has, and the few times I saw him with Hadley, he never looked at her like that. So, what’s going on?”

I set the bottle down with a clink and straighten my shoulders. “That’s a good question. We started seeing each other after the photo shoot but decided to keep it quiet until we knew whether it was going to last, and I thought it was. But tonight, he’s acted like a total jerk, and now, I’m not so sure.”

He places his hand on Hadley’s shoulder and speaks to her. Her face shifts from the wide-eyed, dopey, puppy dog gaze to pinched anger in a matter of seconds, which gives me some hope. At least he’s not taking her home to bang her instead of getting his head out of his ass and telling me what’s going on.

“Go talk to him. I know you’re both worried about how Connor will take it, but he’s a man now, not a thirteen-year-old kid who’s going to stomp his foot and tell Cole he’s not his best friend anymore. They’ll work it out.”

“Probably.” Maybe not.

If the murderous look on Connor’s face meant anything when he left. I might have ruined everything for no reason. I should have told Layla no. It can be done. Just because she’s sweet and nice doesn’t mean I can’t tell her no without hurting her feelings. I’ve done it before.

That’s a lie. I did it because I wanted to. Deep inside. I was thrilled by the prospect of Cole seeing me as something other than Connor’s little sister. And for what purpose? I’m about to get my heart shattered into a million irreparable jagged pieces. My stomach churns with anxiety as my heart drops to my feet. I love him. Like literally love him. There’s no other reason why I was planning to move back and give up my dream job. And now, what am I going to do?

The muscles in my back ache from tension as he tosses down a couple of bills on the bar top and turns. When he sees me looking at him, he nods as his first acknowledgment of me since we met outside. “I’ll talk to you later, Mom.”

“I love you, dear.” She pats my arm. “Your father and I fully support the two of you if you decide this is what you want. We’ve got your back.”

“Thanks, Mom.” I swallow over the lump in my throat and scoot my chair back. “I appreciate that, and I hope….” I trail off as the lump in my throat grows. In minutes, Cole and I could be splitting up for good. What they want and what I want may not matter at all. “I’ll talk to you later.”

As Cole chats with other customers on his way toward the door. I retrieve my jacket and purse while wishing the birthday boy a safe and happy evening. After they assure me they have designated drivers, I pick up the pace and step outside moments after Cole does, speedwalking until I catch up with him at the edge of the building.

“What’s wrong with you?” I don’t bother seeing if anyone is around when I grab his arm and spin him around to face me.

“Everything.” His eyes flash with anger and hurt. But why? What in the hell did I do wrong?

I swallow and straighten my spine. “Why did you go from happy to see me to practically tossing me aside? I don’t understand.”

As he shoves his hands into his pockets, my arm drops to my side. “I guess by now, I thought you’d have decided whether you wanted something long-term with me or not, and when you made a big deal about not wanting anyone to see us….” He sighs and looks up at the sky. The clouds are gone, leaving a smattering of stars above our heads. “I acted like a baby and started pouting.”