Page 60 of Her Filthy Secret

“Thank you.” I trudge toward my office door, dreading seeing Cole.

He’s going to be so excited with my first words being, ‘I’m sorry. There’s a report online that I’m screwing my boss. The one I refused to stop working for to move back home. But, I promise, there’s nothing going on. I respect and love the work he does.’

He’s going to stand up and march out the door. So much for the excitement I felt 15 minutes ago. My stomach is churning so hard that I want to bypass the coffee shop, crawl into bed, and sob into my pillow. I thought never having Cole was bad but losing him is going to be worse.

Chapter Thirty


After glancing at my watch for the 10th time, I study the patrons of the coffee shop. For a late afternoon, it’s packed. There aren’t any tables of retired men hanging out and shooting the bull. Here, it’s trendy college students and the early 30’s set. They occupy tables of two to four, huddled around their cups of specialty coffees–all loaded with whipped topping, cookie crumbles, and streams of caramel or chocolate syrup.

It’s different than Blanche’s Cafe, but I can’t complain about the home-cooked smells. If the cake pops, cookies, and tiny sandwiches are as good as they smell, this place is an out-of-the-way gem that everyone should frequent.

I tap the toe of my tennis shoe and pull out my cell phone, being careful to avoid the three cups of coffee and sack of cake pops I purchased upon my arrival. The only unread message is from Connor, who’s still trying to get me to go out tonight. My last three excuses didn’t work. It’s time to bring out the big guns.

Me: I’m watching the kids for my sister.

This will blow up in my face if he sees her or goes by the house. It sounded easy to get away with and not have Connor catch on. But that’s not really the case. Just because no one will see us together doesn’t mean my skipping town will go unnoticed.

The door chimes as Harbor breezes inside. She’s wearing a light purple top paired with black pants. She looks professional with her perfectly coordinated outfit and hair that shines under the lights.

In my excitement to stand, I hit my knee on the table and snatch a cup of coffee before it tips over and spills its contents. A few drops splash out the oblong hole at the edge of the white lid.

“Hi.” She waves briefly and drops her arm to her side. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

“It’s fine.” I pull her to me and inhale the scent of her perfume. It’s a light floral scent, and while I like it, it’s not as good as having her covered in my soap and conditioner. That needs to be rectified. Other guys notice when a sexy woman smells like her boyfriend, and with Harbor in San Francisco, I need to stake my claim however I can.

For a second, she holds tighter and then pulls away without lifting her face for a kiss. I frown and grab her chin until her eyes meet mine. They swirl with worry, and a flash of anger shots through me. “Did Connor call you?”

“No.” Her eyes widen as she rocks back on her heels and wipes her palms on her pants. “Did he find out?”

“Yes. He told me today at the café.” Damn him. I told him to leave her alone about this.

“I’m sorry.” Tears well in her eyes as she shifts farther away from me and tightens her hold on her purse.

“I’m going to kick his ass.” My hands curl into fists.

“No. Don’t.” She grasps my arm as two male customers turn away from us and huddle together as if they’re hoping to avoid a confrontation. There’s another difference between home and here. Back home, they would’ve turned their chairs in our direction, propped their feet up, and ordered popcorn to watch the fight. “He’ll get over his anger in time, but I need to tell you something that might upset you.” She licks and then bites her lips. “It’s not true.”

“What?” I stare at her in confusion. “What’s not true?”

“There’s a photo of my boss and I together that implies we’re sneaking around with each other. But it’s not true. The paparazzi are looking for a story to tell about my boss, and I got tossed in for good measure.”

“Oh, that. I know that’s not true.” I roll my eyes and pull a chair out for her. “Sit.”

“What do you mean, ‘Oh, that? I know it’s not true?’” She frowns but settles into the chair. “And how did you find out?”

“Connor showed me the news article today at the café.”

She sinks into her seat. “I thought you were talking about Connor finding out about us.”

“No.” I slide my chair over to hers and cup her hand in mine. It’s cool and shaking as if her nerves are on edge. “Connor doesn’t know about us. He saw the photo and news article about you and your boss and blew a gasket.” I let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head. “Just imagine how well he’s going to take us being together when he about had kittens at the café in front of everyone when Ledger sent him the link.”

“Great….” She shakes her head and leans into me. Finally, she looks up and meets my gaze. “You aren’t worried about the photos?”

“No.” I smile cockily at her. “I’m not worried about your boss. Or what people have to say about the two of you. You would’ve told me if there was something going on between you, and you didn’t. Not to mention those photos of you were when you were talking to me. I recognized those sexy words you were whispering to me right away.”

She cups my face and runs her thumb along my jawline. “Thank you.” She bites down on that plump bottom lip again, and her eyes darken. This time with desire rather than worry. “I was worried you’d think I was cheating on you. Or lying to you. This is the first time they’ve pulled me into a story. So, I wasn’t prepared for the fallout. But to be clear. I’m not interested in my boss–emotionally, physically, or financially. He’s a great guy whom I respect, but that’s where it ends. He’s married to a wonderful woman, but like I told you, they’ve kept their marriage out of the public. Until now. She’s planning to come forward to set the record straight because she doesn’t want you to break up with me over this.”