Page 47 of Her Filthy Secret

“Yes….” He kisses the side of her neck. “Yes, it did.”

“I know it’ll work out for you and Cole, too.”

I hope so. I don’t say the words because they both scare me and thrill me at the same time. I want that with Cole. I do. It’s what I’ve wanted and fantasized about for years. But how?


Fifteen Minutes Later

The second I knock on Cole’s side door, it swings open, and he drags me inside, kicking the door shut behind him. I drop my gear to the floor as he braces both arms on either side of me. His eyes flash in the dim kitchen lights with an expression on his face that I can’t read. “What took you so long?”

“I talked to Layla and Kameron for a bit longer than I anticipated.” My heartbeat thumps in my ears as I’m surrounded by his heat and the scent of his cologne, making my head spin.

He swallows hard over his Adam’s apple. “I thought you left town.”

“No.” I smile as I slide my hands along his broad chest, enjoying the ability to explore his muscles and the rapid beat of his heart. “I needed to pee.”

He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “You left me hanging, thinking you’d ditched me to go to the bathroom?”

“Yep.” I giggle, stand on my tiptoes while wrapping my arms around his neck, and pull his face down to mine. I shouldn’t feel on top of the world that he was scared I left without talking to him, but I do.

Now I understand the expression on his face when I came in. He does have feelings for me. At first, I could chalk it up to him being horny, but he could fix that problem anywhere. He wants me. I wait until he meets my gaze to continue, “I didn’t want to put a stop to anything when I got here.”

“I’ll concede this time that it was for a good cause.” His breath fans my lips as he wedges his thigh between my legs and brushes against my throbbing clit. “But don’t do it again. I was about to head out looking for you like a lovesick fool.” He chuckles derisively. “Like a lovesick fool who was imagining you wrapped around a light pole or crashed in a ditch.”

“Hmm….” I thread my fingers through his hair as his hands drop down to my waist and slide under my top. With the first contact of his skin against mine, I whimper, “I’m not leaving.” My heart lurches in my throat, and I pull back as panic swirls inside of me. “I mean, I won’t leave without telling you. You know I have to go back to work, right?”

“I know.” His eyelids lower as he blocks mine once again from seeing his emotions, but the tensing of his muscles tells the story. This isn’t going to work. Tears sting my eyes. Why does life have to be complicated?

Slowly his hands travel from my waist to my hips. “Pip, stop worrying about tomorrow.” He meets my eyes again. This time, his are clear and warm as he drinks in my face. The raw vulnerability of his expression makes my toes curl. “If we belong together, everything will work out.” His mouth lowers until there’s only a fraction of an inch between us. “And I think we might belong together.”

My skin crawls with desperation when he doesn’t move closer. Seconds tick, and I break. I want his mouth on mine. I want to be surrounded by him. I want to experience how making love to him feels again. Only this time, it’s real.

I slam his mouth against mine and melt into him with all the pent-up frustration and longing that I’ve held back for years. And he doesn’t disappoint. His tongue tangles with mine as we frantically cling to each other and sling clothes in all directions.

Chapter Twenty-Four


It's too much effort to convince Harbor to walk to my bedroom. Or even let me carry her there. I drop to my knees and stare up at her. She’s stunning, standing against the wall with her chest heaving while attempting to catch her breath.

I run my palms along her outer legs until I brush her knees and then focus my attention on spreading her legs apart and inching toward the holy grail. She bites her puffy bottom lip and digs her fingertips into the wood. At last, I found the intelligence to nudge her to the wall rather than leaving her ass plastered to the side door that faces my parent’s house. The last thing I need is for one of them to look out their bedroom window and get an eyeful.

Except there’s enough light available that they could see me if they squint hard enough into the dim light of the kitchen. “Do you mind hitting the slider on the window shade?”

“No. Of course not.” She slides the blind down, and we’re shrouded with more privacy.

“Thank you.” I smile as I slide my index finger along her swollen, damp lips. “I would hate for anyone to see how thoroughly I’m going to pleasure you.”

“Yeah.” She shivers as her eyes grow darker. “That would be a distraction.”

“And we can’t have that.” I wink and slip my finger between her folds and deep into her heat. Her eyes roll upward as she moans and arches her hips forward, drawing me deeper.

“Do you like my finger exploring inside of you?”

“Yes.” Her head nods jerkily as she reopens her eyes. “I love it.”

“Good.” My chest swells with pride that she enjoys what I’m doing to her. And as her reward, I add another finger and twirl my thumb around her clit. “Is that better, baby?”