Page 44 of Her Filthy Secret

“That’s a sound idea. I do like my face being available for other activities.” He waggles his eyebrows, and my already pulsating core screams for both of us to claim food poisoning and disappear together for the day.

Because tomorrow, I have to go back to work. Shit. This sucks already.

Don’t think about that. Think about today. “I’m looking forward to your other activities.”

“Oh, yeah?” He lets go of me as I straighten my shirt and hair.


“Good.” He laces his fingers through mine. “We should go back out there before anyone notices we’re gone and win Connor’s money. There’s something appealing about winning Connor’s money and taking out his sister behind his back that gets my competitive juices going.”

“Are you sure you want to stay? We could come up with some excuse and sneak away for the day.”

“I wish we could, but I don’t want to disappoint Connor.” I already knew his answer before he spoke. He’s a man of his word. If he says he’s going to celebrate my brother’s birthday, he’s going to. At least we’ll still be together, so not all is lost.


“Don’t pout.” He twists the doorknob. “And be sure to hydrate.” He winks and shuts the door behind him.

Chapter Twenty-Two


As we approach the football bowling booth, Harbor pats my bicep. “I expect you to knock them all down. We’re five points behind Connor and Austin.”

“I’ve got this.” I wink, enjoying the easy banter between us. “Don’t worry about a thing.”

“I’m only slightly worried.” She smiles back in return as her ponytail swings behind her head. When she left the library, she looked as perfectly put together as when she went in. “That’s why I said I expect you to knock them all down.”

“We’ll get ahead of them. Connor never played quarterback, and Austin was always on defense.” I want to wrap my arm around her and kiss those perfect lips, but I hold back. There are way too many people milling around, and at this point, we don’t know if we’re going to mesh long-term.

Granted, we’re at our 6th station and in 3rd place out of 20 teams. We’ve not argued once, and I want to take her home and lock her in my room. Things are going pretty good so far.

Her forehead wrinkles in question. “And you did? I don’t remember that.”

“5th and 6th grade.” I flex my muscles, eliciting a chuckle from her.

“That’s why I don’t remember. I was in 3rd and 4th grade and had a massive crush on Jonas McIntyre.”

“Jonas McIntyre?” I growl and stop short behind our competitors, causing her to fall into me. When her hands land on my chest, I grab them to keep her upright, but I’ll take any excuse to touch her while glaring at the Jonas in question. He and his wife are at the ladder toss. “You thought he was better looking than me?”

“No.” She rolls her eyes and playfully pats me as she rights herself. “I didn’t think he was better looking. He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes. That’s all there was to it.” She gives me a look of mock exasperation. “It was 3rd grade.”

“I don’t care. I’m permanently wounded.”

She braces her hands on her hips. “I apologize for my affront to your delicate man ego. So, tell me, how can I make it up to you.”

“I can think of lots of ways.” The wicked thoughts going through my head seem to project loud enough for her to read my mind because she shivers and bites her bottom lip. Or maybe it’s her naughty mind that’s got me worked up. Either way, it doesn’t matter. The second we’re alone, I’m peeling her clothes off and worshiping this woman.

Connor stares at us from the next station. Shit. We’re getting along too well. Our secret dating life is set to be exposed on the first day.

I tip my head toward him with a slight nod. “You need to hold up your end of the partnership, or I’ll regret bringing you on.”

“Oh, you will.” She smirks and my body tightens as a jolt of electricity shoots from my toes to my fingers. “I can run circles around you, buddy.”


Her eyes narrow enough that from Connor’s vantage point, it looks like we’re arguing, but it’s definitely foreplay. “Wait and find out.”