Page 93 of Her Filthy Secret

“Babe, don’t be ridiculous. You have the right to a career and to make it a priority.”

“Not over you.”

He lifts the ring out of the box, and my mouth dries. “It’s beautiful.” The ring has a 1 ½ carat diamond in the center with four smaller diamonds on each side, set in a silver band.

When he slips it over the tip of my finger, my hand shakes so hard he must clasp it in his to slide it the rest of the way on. “A beautiful ring for my future wife.”

I bite my bottom lip as everything sinks in. Engaged. Soon to be Cole’s wife. This is my home. Holy hell. This is a lot to take in. I glance into his eyes, and everything spins around me. “Do you want to wait a long time to get married?”

“I’ll marry you tomorrow if you want.”

“Maybe not that soon.” I laugh and sling my arms back around his neck. “But…. Soon.”

“Good.” We fall to the carpet as he laces his fingers into my hair. “And while you’re at it, toss the birth control so we can make a baby.”

Our lips are inches apart as I grind my sex against his hardening cock. “Consider it gone.”


Three Months Later


When I pull onto our street, I smile. The living room light is still on. She’s up. I didn’t expect her to stay up, so I’m pleasantly surprised. There was a brush fire out on the highway that took both our shift and the night shift to conquer, leaving me three hours late arriving home.

I flip on the blinker and ease into the driveway as a new surge of adrenaline races through me. It doesn’t matter that I spent six hours spraying, digging, and busting ass to put out a fire. Not when my wife is waiting for me.

When I twist the knob to the side door, I stop in my tracks. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s standing on the threshold between the kitchen and living room, and with the lamplight behind her, she glows like an angel with her pajama top and shorts. Even though they’re not her sexy lingerie, she makes my heart skip a beat.

“Is everyone okay?” The worried expression on her face explains why she waited up.

“Yes.” I shut the door and rush over to her, suddenly needing her in my arms and beyond thankful I took a shower before heading home. I didn’t want to mar the cozy comfort of our house by smelling like burnt brush and singed earth.

“Good.” She slips her arms around me, and the worried expression on her face slowly disappears.

“I love you, Pip.” I kiss her soft lips and let the last several hours slip away.

When we arrived at the fire, the flames were flickering high, and the wind was blowing 40 miles per hour. With the recent drought, those were a dangerous combination and required we focus first on the fire closest to the highway to prevent it from jumping across the road and putting a bigger problem in our hands.

Once the traffic was safe from smoke and the spread to the west was contained, we moved to the backside, where the flames had taken on a new life. This was one of the hardest days we’d had since the wildfires up north, but we successfully kept the inferno from spreading and taking over the countryside.

“I love you, too.” She runs her thumbs over my cheekbones. “You look tired.”

“I am, but not too tired to love my wife.” I smile as she bites her bottom lip with anticipation.

“I love hearing you call me your wife. I know it’s only been a few weeks, but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

“You and me both.” I boost her up and sit her on the kitchen cabinets.

After waiting so many years to tell each other how we felt, wasting time isn’t on our agenda. And why would it be? We’ve known who we wanted to marry for years. It also didn’t hurt that her boss is a billionaire with a new house, who decided that throwing an epic welcome to the neighborhood party for himself was best done by hosting a wedding. I’m not a girl, but I almost teared up at the venue alone. And did so when my love walked down the aisle.

“Do you mind if I remove your pajamas so I can properly take care of my wife?”

“Hmm….” She giggles while tilting her head as if she’s considering my question. “I guess if you must.”

“I must.” The ease of our connection still floors me. Everyone said relationships are hard, and while I agree it takes work, and it’ll take even harder work as we introduce children into the mix, it’s easy with Harbor.

When I dated my ex, everything was a struggle. We couldn’t even decide between a Cobb or a Chef salad. With Harbor, we’re already eating dessert in the same amount of time.