Page 50 of Her Filthy Secret

“That’s it, baby. You’re so close. I fucking love your pussy wrapped around my fingers.” His eyes meet mine, and the fire in them has me feeling things that are too soon.

“Fuck.” I quiver uncontrollably on the mattress as the most intense orgasm makes my toes curl.

“That’s it. You’re so gorgeous coming for me. Only for me.” He doesn’t stop until I’m flopped on the bed, gasping for air and crawls up my body. “Good morning, Pip.”

“Good…” I can’t make my mouth form any other words.

“I’m a god.” He laughs and flops onto his back. “I’ve made you speechless.”

Yes, you have. I want to say the words, but they won’t come out.

“Unc Co!” A voice calls from the stairs as the sound of little feet pounding up each step sends a wave of shock through me.

“Shit,” Cole groans, drags up the comforter around his waist, and tosses his arm over his face. “I need to take Emilia’s key away.”

“Yes, we were supposed to be keeping this under wraps.” I draw the sheet around me and flip over the edge of the bed in my haste to get to the bathroom. “I need to get out of here right now unless you want to explain to Connor what we were just doing. You know this is a small town.” My heart skips a beat. “And what if it’s your mom?”

“Closet.” He nods to the adjacent room. “I’ll distract them.”

“Unc Co?” The doorknob twists, and I give up my escape, falling to the carpet and wrapping myself inside the sheet.

From my vantage point, Sofia is barely visible through a gap in the sheet. She stares at the bed and then down at the floor. That’s when she spins on her heel. “Mommy, Unc Co had a sleepover. Why can’t I?”

Shit. Double shit. I drop my head to the carpet and groan.

“Sofia, come down here right this instant.”

“Mommy, I stay. I like Harbor.”

I flip the cover over my head as the sound of blankets rustling and springs shifting signals Cole is climbing out of the bed.

“Hey, Sweet Pea, give Harbor a few minutes, and she’ll come down to talk to you.”


When the door snaps shut, I wait several seconds before peeking out.

“Babe…” He yanks up a pair of black jogging shorts and winks. “I like you better in my bed than on the floor.” He presses his lips together. “Although–”

“No, you don’t.” I scramble upright, grab my clothes, and run to the bedroom door. “Do not entice me into any more naughty acts. Not when your sister and niece are here.”

Without waiting for his answer, I shut the door with a snap, run the couple of steps to the bathroom, and slam the door shut when I catch my reflection. My hair is matted and sticking out in wads all over my head. My eyes have dark smudges under them. And my lips look like I received lip injections. Hello, Kylie Jenner. This is going to take some work.

Chapter Twenty-Six


At the top of the stairs, I listen for sounds of my family to give me an idea of which direction to go. But the answer is provided by the heavenly scent of coffee. The kitchen. I bound down the steps, only momentarily regretting not forcing my way into the bathroom and helping Harbor with her shower. But coffee wins out.

My bare feet slap on the wooden treads as I near the bottom of the stairs. The living room is quiet and remains tidy. Sofia and Emilia must have just gotten here if everything is still in place.

“So…” My sister pops her head into the living room with a dishtowel in her hand.

“So, what?” I school my face to keep from grinning and barely succeed. It’s impossible not to be happy that Harbor and I are together. Even if we weren’t planning on anyone but Layla and Kameron knowing.

“You know, so, what.” She arches her eyebrows and gives me a knowing look. “Who is upstairs?”

“Harbor upstairs.” Sofia runs out of the kitchen and slams into me.