Page 40 of Her Filthy Secret

“So did I. But it’s not. I promise you. I thought I was going to pass out.”

“Wow.” She clears her throat. “I never…. Well…. Okay….”

“I know. But it isn’t happening again.”

“Why not? Did he tell you it was a mistake?” Her tone has gone from incredulous to angry in a microsecond.

“No. He told me he was doing something he’d wanted to do for years. But that was in the heat of the moment. Guys say that shit all the time to get inside a girl’s pants.” But what if it’s true? What then? I glance around the office again. I can’t start a long-distance relationship with him. It wouldn’t work. “We agreed it was a one-time thing. As much as I’d love to date him, we’re in two different places. Literally. My life and career are here.”

“That’s stupid. You do know Kameron and I had that exact same issue, right?”

“Yes, but this is different. One of us would have to give up their dream.”

“For a better dream.”

“Yeah.” The clock ticks, second by second. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you–” When? This weekend is Connor’s birthday celebration. Do I go back or avoid Cole for the rest of my life? “I’ll see you this weekend. Connor’s birthday party is this weekend.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.” Her overeager response worries me. And likely not more than it should.

Chapter Twenty


By the time I arrive at the Slater’s house, the side yards are full of people. Momma Slater’s birthday was mostly us guys, but Connor’s birthday extends to friends of his from work and other friends of friends. One side of the house has two long tables loaded with covered trays and dishes from the potluck dinner, and the other side has a staging area for a bag toss contest and one for a ladder toss game.

As I walk toward Weston, the next oldest brother, we chat about the upcoming sports games both high school and the pros. Everyone has their opinion of who’s going to win everything from pro games down to the junior high basketball games next week. This is what I love about Meadow Bay. It’s as if we’re one big family that comes together to celebrate and support each other if someone is struggling.

While none of us guys are tied down, several of Connor’s friends are in exclusive relationships or married. So, their significant others are mingling amongst the crowd. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. The backyard is quartered off into stations ranging from knocking down bowling pins with footballs to lawn darts. And around the outside is a set of bases with a bat at the makeshift home plate.

Surely, we aren’t playing baseball in the middle of everyone; someone is going to get clocked with a ball.

When Connor sees me, he waves me over. As I dodge other friends and neighbors, I toss in a few verbal jabs at whatever conversation they’re sharing.

“I’m going to kick your ass at lawn darts.” Ledger, the oldest brother, shoves me on the shoulder.

“Not on your best day, old man.” I punch him in the upper arm.

I wish I could say I haven’t studied every person in the crowd looking for Harbor, but it would be a lie. I’m afraid to see her again and find out what we shared last week was nothing more than two horny adults getting each other off.

But I’m more terrified that she’s not going to show up. I can pretend all I want that I’m okay and that we don’t work, but I’m not. It’s been eating at my gut all week. I shake my head. Don’t go there. Wishing for something that isn’t supposed to happen has dangerous consequences. And could ruin my relationship with everyone here.

“Please,” Ledger scoffs and rolls his eyes. “I’m going to run circles around you.”

“We aren’t running in circles, not tossing darts.”

Connor smacks us both on the back, assuring us that no one stands a chance against him.

“Hey, man.” I give Connor a bro hug. “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks.” He pats my back. “I’m glad you came. I was worried when you said you might not be able to get off work.” He frowns and gives me a sheepish look. “I paired up with Austin since I didn’t know if you’d be here.”

“That’s fine. I’m sure there’s someone here that’s stag that I can latch onto.” I glance around the backyard. Austin, another of the brothers, is as competitive as all the rest. It’s going to be difficult to beat them. After I find a partner. “So, what’s the plan?”

“We’ve got nine events lined out, and everyone will be paired with a partner. Whatever team earns the top number of points wins a free dinner and $500. Second place earns $200. And third place is $100.”

“Worthy prizes. What’s the deal with the bases. Surely, we aren’t playing baseball in the backyard with everything else here.”

“Nah.” Connor’s eyes dance as he laughs. “The final activity is a dizzy bat contest. Each partner must spin 10 times with their head on the end of the bat and then run the bases for speed.”