He pauses and looks at Belladonna, who seems horrified that she barked a command at him. “Yes?”
She swallows visibly. “I know you said time moves differently, but... My sister?”
The frustration in his expression disappears, but the feeling compounds out of sight, where only I can see it. “She was gifted with an anonymous medical scholarship to cover her treatment the moment you signed the deal.” His lips twist, apparently despite his best efforts. “Your parents believe it’s a reward for her faith that your god would provide.”
“Not my god. Not anymore.” Belladonna shakes a little but nods. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Of course.” He turns toward the door once more. “Stay as long as you like. One of my people will escort you to the portal when you’re ready to go.” He stalks out of the room, eating up the distance between him and Eve, whom I can hear using the wall to walk her way down the hall.
Belladonna throws her napkin on the table. “Can we go now?”
“Absolutely.” I rise and take her hand. “No reason to linger.”
We barely make it out the door before Ramanu appears, looking a little frazzled. Or as frazzled as they ever get. “Please follow me.”
I wait until we’re down within throwing distance of the portal to dig in my heels. “Ramanu.”
“I know.”
“No, I don’t think you do. What the fuck was that about?” In all my years of knowing Azazel, I would have bet a large amount of money that he’d never take a bargain with someone who truly doesn’t want it. The way he’s handled Belladonna only reinforces that truth.
What I just witnessed with Eve contradicts all of that.
Ramanu scrubs their hands over their horns. “It’s complicated.”
“Uncomplicate it.” I glance at Belladonna. “I’m sorry, little one. I know you don’t want to make waves, but this is worrisome.”
“It’s okay.” She squeezes my hand and nods at Ramanu. “Eve seems deeply unhappy.”
“She is.” Ramanu sighs and props their hands on their hips. “I’m only sharing this because I know you won’t leave it alone.”
“I know.” They shake their head. “Eve and Azazel have... history. They knew each other before the deal. He wasn’t entirely honest in his negotiations for her contract. She isn’t taking it well. She’s upset, but she’s safe, and the expected rules of the contract hold.” They nod at the packages sitting next to the portal. “Your things are there. I’ll be around in the next couple of weeks to check in again.”
Belladonna frowns. “Weeks? Why so long?”
“I have a task that needs tending to.” Their grin goes wolfish. “A little witch is in need of my help.”
“ . . . Oh.”
“If you need anything, of course, you can always contact Azazel.”
She shakes her head rapidly. “That won’t be necessary.”
“We’ll see.” They step out of the way and motion for us to move past.
I waste no time gathering up our things and urging Belladonna through the portal ahead of me. Azazel has his hands full, even if it’s with a situation of his own making. I don’t envy him the battle ahead, especially when every time he looked at Eve, his longing filled up the room until I could barely breathe past it. There’s desire and there’s desire, and the latter going unfulfilled for too long will only sour and end in misery for everyone. I truly hope he figures it out before that point.
As for me? I have a precious little human to take to bed.
The days slip by, one after the other, there and gone in a pleasant bliss that feels as though a spell is wrapped around me. It’s not. I’ve learned the sensation of Rusalka’s magic and how it differs from the others in their Insomnior Court. I’ve chosen not to ask to attend any of the parties since the first, but I sometimes hear the festivities late in the night when I’m sprawled next to Rusalka, letting their breathing soothe something in me that I didn’t know was broken.
I spend my days in the garden. Bogdan is only a little grumpy; I don’t know what Azazel was going on about. He’s practically an angel as far as I’m concerned, with endless patience, even on days when children start to filter into the garden, all barely constrained curiosity about me and enthusiasm for digging in the dirt.