Sadie: I will happily accept. Where do you want to meet?

Everleigh: The estate.

I scurry to the bathroom, brush my teeth, my bedhead hair, and then wash my face. Faster than seems possible, I throw on jeans, a sweater, and boots. Easton hasn’t texted me. Maybe he left?

Where is the book with instructions on how to have one night of casual sex?

I open my bedroom door slowly and listen. Nothing stirs. With light steps, I make my way to the second floor. Still no sounds, and his bedroom door is closed. I don’t see him over the railing that looks down into the great room. Continuing to the first floor, I head for my purse and keys by the front door. Still no Easton.

Maybe he really did leave.

It hurts that he did without saying goodbye. I don’t know that for sure. He could be in the bathroom still. But I’m growing attached, clearly, bothered by what he has or hasn’t done and reading too much into things. I’m so out of my element in this situation.

I’ve always found it best to leave when I’m confused or scared. I did it to Dash when I broke things off with a vague text, and I’m doing it again with Easton. Not that Easton wants anything from me. He could want me gone, and he only brought me to his bed to sleep because he thought it was what I needed or wanted.

Ugh. This is so confusing.

Footsteps sound from the stairs to the basement. I freeze for a moment, then race out the front door to my car. I’m such a chicken. Unable to face him and this new reality we created, I start the engine and drive away without looking back.

I haven’t even made it to the gate when Easton texts me.

I don’t play his message in my car. I don’t want to hear it. What if it’s awkward? What if he makes excuses for leaving me in his bed this morning? I can’t handle this right now. Since I don’t want to be rude either, I hit reply on my dashboard screen and say, “On my way to meet Everleigh. Will be back later.”

In record time, I pull through the gate to the estate and park near the front door. Another text from Easton comes through.

I put my phone on silent. I can deal with him—us—later.

One of the housekeepers lets me in and directs me to the breakfast room.

The space is a semi-circular shape with windows overlooking the parklike backyard. Daire officially proposed to Everleigh in this room. It was covered with hydrangeas and a magnificent charcuterie board. Easton and I were hiding, waiting for her answer, before we jumped out and congratulated them. I have so many fond memories with him, which makes this even harder.

“Hey!” Everleigh rises from her chair.

“Morning.” I hug her and we both sit.

“I have pastries and coffee, but if you want something else, I can make it for you.”

Like I’d have her do that. “This is perfect.”

She points to one of two coffee pots. “This one is decaf tea. This one is the organic coffee you like.”

“Thank you.” I help myself to the coffee.

“What’s the emergency?” She sips her tea. Remnants of a croissant are on a plate in front of her.

“What makes you think that?” I lie, knowing she’ll see right through it. To keep from saying more, I get a cinnamon pecan muffin and nibble on a piece.

Everleigh stares at me, the message in her vibrant blue eyes as clear as day. I know you and I’ll wait for you to fess up.

I sigh and think of something to say that sounds believable. I can’t tell her I slept with Easton. “I need to talk to Dash and give him an answer.”

“About getting back together?”

I nod and sip the coffee. It’s strong and delicious.

“What’s causing your hesitation?”

“What if the chance to get married never comes again? What if he’s the one I’m meant to be with?”