She left me to shower.

She nods. “I did. But I feel like I need another.”

“I can help you with that, too,” I throw out to see her reaction. Will she blush? Accept my invitation? Blow me off? When have I ever been this unsure? Never.

Her cheeks turn pink, and she averts her gaze. This timid side of her turns me on. I’ve never been into timid women. Too much work. I like them eager. In the hot tub, after I spanked her, she was more than eager to get her fill. I would love to get her to that point again. The shyness she shows sometimes, like now, is more of a challenge than a turn off. It’s like the chase I love so much. It makes me burn hotter for her. She has no idea how much she affects me. If she did, she’d probably run.

Chapter 20


We sit at the kitchen island with our croissant sandwiches and chilled apple cider. Millie makes it fresh this time of year.

Sadie finishes her sandwich without saying a word and chugs half her glass of cider. “That was so good. I was starving.”

I grin from where I sit next to her, happy to have been able to help and care for her, even if it’s just by providing food.

She wipes her mouth with her napkin, missing a crumb.

I point. “You’ve got a piece of food right here.”

She licks the corner of her mouth.

My dick twitches at the sight. I stare at her lips, even after the crumb is gone and her tongue is hidden behind that sultry pout.

She averts her gaze. “What are you doing this weekend?”

You, if I’m lucky. “I was thinking about heading to the Four Seasons.”

Her expression drops. “The hotel?”

“The floating dock and cabin.”

She glances out the windows at the lake, the structure barely visible in the distance. Twilight paints the yard, casting the fall colors in a magical glow. “Why do you call it that?”

“My grandma named it after nature and all the seasons she enjoyed from her favorite spot.”

An easy smile spreads across Sadie’s face. “She sounds like she knew how to enjoy life.”

I rest my elbow on the counter, angling toward her. “My parents used to say I was a lot like her.”

“It sounds like it.”

“Want to come with me?” I hold her green gaze. The red veins are still there, but she appears more alert now that she’s eaten.

“To the Four Seasons?” Her eyes widen with both excitement and fear.

“Yeah. I’ll have Millie make us a picnic, and if we bring blankets, we can stay until sunset and watch the stars.”

She glances out the windows again at the lake and chews on her bottom lip. “Is the structure safe?”

“It’s well-built if that’s what you’re asking. Think about it as a tiny houseboat. And in case you’re worried about alligators, I believe they hibernate for the winter.”

She shoots me a look. “That’s not true.”

I chuckle. “What happened to the girl who wanted to take a bottle of wine to the floating dock and cabin for the night?”

“She’s here.” Sadie scowls. “She’s just nervous.”