They started building a house on the property up the street from the farm. Dad had offered it to Daire when he gave him the business and estate. They offered the land to me after he passed on it, but I decided to redo the lake house instead, loving the property and privacy.

With the Inn, the manor would be too crowded for our parents to stay with Daire and Everleigh, but their house won’t be finished for another six months. I’d planned to let them stay at my place when the baby is born. Sadie will be gone by then. An emptiness settles in my chest at the thought.

I’m being ridiculous. We’ll still talk and be friends. We won’t be doing what we’re doing now. We may never do anything again, and that leaves me with an emptiness I can’t explain.

This situation is confusing me because it’s with Sadie. A close friend. A tempting, close friend who also likes sex the way I do.

I stomp the breaks. I’m at the farm already? What’s worse is I have no recollection of driving here and almost passed the entrance. I need to get my head in the right place. I can’t screw up this meeting. I push Sadie to the recess of my mind and focus on work.

* * *

I don’t leave the farm until dinner time. The sun has set, and I haven’t received a single text from Sadie. We talked a lot before the attack, but having her live with me puts her front and center in my mind. I look forward to hearing from her and seeing her every day. It’s new for me. All of this is. I imagine that’s what she’s feeling after yesterday’s hot tub encounter.

Stephen texted me twice. He says he might have found something and will contact me tomorrow after running another lead.

I decide not to share the news with Sadie in case it turns out to be nothing.

I’m at the house and inside faster than usual. I’ve never raced to get home for anything, let alone anyone. But I’m anxious to see how she is and if she wants to continue our exploration of each other’s bodies. I know I do.

The kitchen and house look untouched. In general, Sadie is neat and tidy, but a glass on the counter or disrupted pillows on the couch usually alert me she’s been around.

“Sadie?” I call out.

“Up here.” Her sweet voice floats down from the third floor.

I take the stairs two at a time. Her doors are open and she’s on the floor with her laptop open and her iPad beside her. A color printer plugs into the wall and pictures of book covers litter most of the floor. Each of them includes a picture of me.

“I’m afraid to enter.” I stay near the doorway.

She sits surrounded by the clutter, her hair in a messy bun. She wears joggers and a cropped long-sleeved t-shirt. Her little feet are bare and a pencil sticks from the messy bun on top of her head. Tendrils fall around her face, showcasing her amazing eyes that look greener today. She looks gorgeous when she’s in disarray.

“Sorry for the mess. I’ve been working all day.”

“I can see that.”

“I didn’t know she has the series completed. Now she wants to launch all three books a few weeks apart and start advertising them.” She sounds panicked.

“Have you eaten today?”

“I had Gatorade.” She points, her gaze on her laptop. Three bottles sit a few feet from her.

“Just Gatorade?” Concern sends a surge of anger through me. “Come eat some food. I’ll get you whatever you want.”

“I don’t have time. I need to make sure these are perfect.”

The printer buzzes as it begins to ink a cover on paper.

“Where did you get that?” Did she go into my office?

“Everleigh. I got it from her this morning.”

“Why didn’t you use mine? I have one downstairs in my room. You should have texted.”

“I didn’t know, and I wouldn’t go into your room if I did. It’s private.”

I love that she respects my space. That’s so important to me. My family invaded my privacy, looking for whatever I was into, constantly during my teen years. My mom had the maids go through my stuff. The school searched my locker more than other students it seemed after finding pot in my possession once. Daire even spied on me a few times at the request of my dad. He didn’t always tell on me. In fact, plenty of times he had my back. Still, I always found a way to get in trouble. It’s why I covet my privacy like I do.

A few of the women I brought here for sex tried to explore the house against my wishes, when I was in the bathroom or showering before I gave them a ride home. I never hooked up with those women again.