I leave my room and stop to read a text outside my door.

Everleigh: Millie made too many pecan muffins. Want to come to the farm to get some for you and Easton? If not, they’ll go to waste.

Sadie: I can get them.

It would get me out of the house and give me something else to think about other than Easton. Was he with another woman last night?

Everleigh: I would meet you, but I’m waiting for the interior designer for the Inn.

Sadie: Don’t worry. I wanted a reason to leave the house. Thanks!

Everleigh: I’ll tell Millie to pack them up.

I tiptoe down the stairs, even though it’s ten a.m. and I could be alone for all I know. After last night and my fantasy session, I don’t know if I can handle seeing Easton.

I reach the bottom floor and head for my purse and jacket.

“Where are you going?” Easton says from the bottom of the stairs.

I tense and shriek, my heart in my throat. So he is home. Breathe, Sadie. Playing it cool, I turn. “You’re awake?”

“I’ve been awake for a while.” He walks toward me, dressed the same as yesterday but in different colors. It’s sinful how good he looks like this. “Daire wants to meet,” he continues. “He apologized for how he behaved and asked if I could present it to him again today.”

I act surprised. “Really? That’s amazing. You deserve this.”

He smirks, and for a second, I worry I’m busted. “You’re always so positive, Sadie. And hopeful. I appreciate that.”

“I don’t know if this would work for you,” I say, casually, “but when I was there last night, Everleigh and I talked about adding gift baskets to the rooms for special events.”

His eyes cast to the side, the wheels in his head turning. “You think the bourbon would be a good addition.”

I let out a relieved breath. “You’ve thought of this already.” Of course, he did.

“I hadn’t. But I know how your mind works, and I could see where you were going. It’s a great idea.”

“Everleigh will love it.”

He closes the small distance between us. “You know what they call a sexy best friend who inspires you?”

“A muse?”

He nods, his gaze on my lips.

Electricity sparks between us. My fingers itch to touch him. “You can kiss me, if you want.”

His Adam’s apple bobs with a deep swallow. “That would be a bad idea.”

“Oh.” I tense. What did I get wrong? Too early? No longer interested? “Okay.” I back up.

He grabs my hips and draws me close. “I need to be focused on my presentation and not your lips or your body or what I want to do to it. I’ll take a raincheck on this kiss for later, though. If it’s still available. I hope it is.”

He does still want me. Good. I don’t want to ruin this for him, either. “Later then.” I slip from his arms and grab my keys.

He growls.

I shoot him a questioning look. “Did you just growl?”

“I love a chase. It brings out the beast in me.” He gives me a wolfish grin.