“It’s hard to say. Once he gets a lead, it’s easier to find something and the process moves faster. This is a tough one, though, because there’s barely a description.”

“I know.” I frown at the table.

“Don’t worry. Steven doesn’t quit. And in the meantime, you can stay for as long as you’d like. If Easton gets grumpy about having a house guest, we have room here.”

“He’s not grumpy at all.” Tonight’s sexy grumpfest seduction session aside. “He’s been helpful in a lot of ways. He put a lot of work into this bourbon,” I dare to say. “I’ve never seen him this passionate about anything, except maybe sex.”

Everleigh almost spits out the water she’s drinking.

Cecily, Olga’s assistant, removes our dinner plates. “How was everything?”

“Delicious. Easton would have loved it.” That man has a thing for meat. Maybe it’s his inner wolf.

Everleigh narrows her eyes on me. “I wish he would have made it.”

“That’s my fault,” Daire says. “I was a dick today. I didn’t handle things well with him. He’s not here because of me.”

Everleigh covers his hand with hers. “You can always apologize. He’ll understand.”

“Did you hear his idea about offering a bottle of this with certain Inn packages or to guests here for a wedding or romantic getaway?”

“I don’t remember that part.”

“I love that idea,” Everleigh hiccups. “Excuse me. It’s the baby.”

I laugh.

She tries to lean forward, but her belly only allows her to go so far. “I was planning on doing gift baskets with Champagne, but adding a bottle of our own Pecan Bourbon sounds appealing, too.”

Daire sighs. “I really messed things up today.”

“You can make it right.” Everleigh squeezes his hand.

I wish Easton were here to see and hear this.

“I’ll text him to meet me tomorrow and make it up to him.”

My heart soars like a balloon taking flight. This is what I wanted for him. It’s what he deserves. He wouldn’t like it if I helped make this for him, though. He wants it to be because of his hard work, as it should be.

“Promise you won’t tell him I brought the bourbon or told you anything. This is his deal. I don’t want him to think I interfered.”

Daire and Everleigh exchange a look then Daire says, “I won’t tell him anything. I appreciate what you did, but you shouldn’t have had to. I should have given him the time and attention he deserved. This is on me, and I’ll fix it.”

I sit taller, certain Easton will blow him away. The product he developed already has.

Cecily returns and serves us dessert. “Mrs. Everleigh’s favorite. Cinnamon pecan ice cream over a warm blondie.

“Ooh!” Everleigh gasps after a first bite. “We could add an adult dessert to the menu at the inn and the café. This with a shot of pecan bourbon.”

“Yes!” I raise my fist in the air. “I love that idea!”

“Well, shit. You two have this all worked out.” Daire eyes his wife and me. “I should bring you both to the meeting.”

“Nope,” Everleigh says. “It needs to be you and Easton. I know nothing.”

“I know nothing, either.” I splash some bourbon over my dessert, then take a bite. The cold ice cream with the warm blondie is heaven on my tongue. “Oh, man.” I moan and imagine Easton licking bourbon or ice cream or the whole damn dessert from my skin. I moan again.

“Should we leave you alone?” Everleigh teases.