He arches a brow. “I suggest the hot tub or inside for those.”

“Hot tub?”

He points to the gazebo slightly hidden behind a row of holly bushes in the near distance.

“Nice.” I keep my gaze on it, picturing him reclined in the water. “That could work. Or I could get creative. No full frontal. That would be selling porn. But full-body with discretion would be enticing. I’d have to cover your manhood with a leaf or something.” I snatch a red one from the blanket and lay it over his cock. “Perfect.”

Amusement dances in his eyes. “I can’t believe you kept this side of yourself hidden from me.”

“I didn’t hide it. I just didn’t share it.” Except with Everleigh. “You kept your bourbon business a secret.”

“True.” He removes the leaf and tosses it on the ground. “About this money you can make. Could you put it toward your cover design business?”

He didn’t say sex book cover. Progress. “I suppose I could.” I stretch out my legs and cross them at the ankles, my hiking boots rustling the dead leaves.

“Around how much could you make from a photo?”

His business mindset shows he’s becoming more like Daire.

“Anywhere from eight hundred to sixteen hundred.”

“Huh.” He rubs his chin. “Could you use the pictures you took today?”

“Yeah, but, Easton, I don’t want to exploit you or the farm. I’m not sure Daire would see it as good for the business.”

“Valid point.” He rubs the scruff on his chin. “You said authors like pictures of men with no heads. Crop mine out of the picture.”

“They do that if the guys are ugly or not as attractive as their bodies. Your face is as perfect as your body. I’d pleasure myself to either.” I slap my hand over my mouth, my cheeks ablaze. It’s one thing to tease like this with Everleigh, but I’ve never spoken like this in front of Easton or any man.

A wicked grin stretches across Easton’s gorgeous face. “Will this pleasuring be happening tonight?”

“I was teasing.” I rise to my knees and turn toward the duffle bag on the blanket behind us. Easton used it to bring the props down here. I have to get on all fours to reach it. With one hand, I stuff the items inside.

“I’ve decided I’ll need compensation for these pictures,” Easton says. “Now that I know how much I’m worth.”

Still on my hands and knees, I glare over my shoulder.

He’s leaning back on his elbow, again looking like a God put on this planet to be drooled over. His eyes don’t connect with mine, though. They’re fixed on my ass.

“We had a deal.” I push off my hands to sit on my heels. “An even exchange.”

“That was before I knew you could sell pictures of me. Don’t worry, this won’t cost you money. But if you’re game, it will cost you a piece of yourself.”

Damn him. He knows how to present an offer with enough intrigue that I can’t ignore it.

I rest my hands on my legging-covered thighs. “Fine. What’s the compensation?”

“Depending on how many pictures you use now and in the future, I think one thousand is a fair agreement.”

“One thousand what?” Sweat forms on my upper lip. What on earth could I give him of value if not money?


“What?” I squint.

He sits up, putting his face dangerously close to mine. “I want my payment in kisses. From you. In case it’s not clear.”

Kisses? For some reason, my brain can’t compute this request. He wouldn’t suggest we kiss regularly. That goes against everything we’ve decided.