“I can’t believe you were able to do this without Daire knowing.” She inspects the label. “This is so exciting! Easton, I think this is perfect for the farm. It’s very your family because you’re big bourbon drinkers.”

Sadie gets it. I smile. “I think so, but getting Daire to agree might not be so easy.”

“He’d be a fool to pass on this.”

My ego rises in the best way. “Thanks, Sadie. I appreciate that.”

“It’s true.” She eyes the label again. “But…”

Here we go. “But…?”

“I don’t think the label represents you the way it could.”

I hadn’t given it much thought. I’m not in love with the label. Sadie does marketing for her stepdad’s successful real estate company. “What are your thoughts?”

“Really?” Her hazel eyes widen on me.

“Is that so hard to believe?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. I figured you have someone for this.”

“I do, and they haven’t impressed you.”

She frowns. “I don’t think it’s bad. I’m not saying that at all. I just think it could be a little more you guys and the farm.”

“Let’s take it inside, and you can give me your thoughts.”

“Can we try it, too?” She leads the way up the stairs and into the house.


I get two glasses from the bar. Sadie’s iPad is on the kitchen island. Was she working on more book covers earlier? She sits at the counter, opens the tablet, and removes the pencil. Is she going to draw something for me?

Intrigued, I bring her a glass with a square ice cube and sit beside her.

She’s sketching already. “Thank you.” She holds up the drink. “To you and your brilliant ideas.”

Does she know what she does to my ego when she says stuff like that? I smirk, my gaze locked on her sultry lips, and clink my glass with hers.

We both sip the drink. It’s as good as I remember; a smooth pecan flavor that’s not overly sweet.

“Wow.” She blinks. “Wow. This is better than sex.”

I almost spit out my next sip. I cough and swallow the liquid. “Sadie, my sweet, if that’s true you’ve been missing out.” As I assumed, Dash’s bedroom play is as stiff as his hair. “It is good, though, isn’t it?”

She sips more. “So smooth. I can taste the hint of pecan.”

I smile, pleased and a bit amazed at how well she gets it.

Sadie gasps and draws on her iPad, impressing me with her artistic ability. She’s fast using layers and creating what looks like a new label. The background is black. In white, three pecans rest on a small bed of leaves. She draws a rectangle like a sales tag or a Christmas present tag in black. On this, in white, is the barn from the farm and a pecan tree. She adds string and points to it. “This would be twine. It would wrap around the neck of the bottle and hold the tag to it, advertising the farm. The label”—she points to the one with the pecans—“represents the flavored bourbon and would go on the bottle.”

“May I?” I gesture to the tablet.

She slides it over. “It’s a rough sketch. I think the lines should be thinner, so it looks more like a sketch drawing. You know what I mean?”

“I do and I love it.” I stare at her, bewildered. “How did you come up with this on the spot?”

She shrugs again. “The black is rugged and sexy, like you. The pecans are simple and easy to understand. With the black, it stands out against the brown liquor. But the farm needs to be advertised, too. So I came up with the tag to showcase Livingston farms and the twine because it reminds me of hay and a farm.”