“And if you feel uncomfortable, you won’t stay,” she says, knowing me like a sister. “Fortunately, I thought about that and have a plan.”

“I’m listening.” Clueless to this plan but listening.

“How would you feel about staying in a loft overlooking a huge lake?”

“Where is this loft?”

“On the property.”

“It’s just a loft?” I tap my fingers on the counter.

“It’s a house with a private loft on the third floor. It has a balcony, a beautiful lake view and…a charming owner who you already know and who you’ve said has been very helpful.”

“It’s Easton’s house?” I ask, aghast.

“It is. But it’s private, he’s hardly there, and it’s on the property. The estate property. It’s safe and protected, and you wouldn’t have to worry about anything but relaxing.”

“Does Easton know about this?”

“Daire is talking to him right now.”

The way these two orchestrate things is unreal. “What if he doesn’t agree? I doubt he wants me in his house. Where will he bring his women?”

“Daire is working that out with him.”

I stand and push in the stool. “I don’t know. This seems intrusive. He can’t be okay with this. He’s never lived with a woman before.”

“He’ll be fine. Daire will convince him.”

“He shouldn’t have to be convinced. And I really wouldn’t be comfortable staying if I know he’s being forced to have me as a guest.”

“Just let him show you the place and then you can decide. I can meet you. You have to leave the estate and drive to the back gate near Easton’s house—it has its own entrance—but it doesn’t take long.”

“How big is their—your—property?”


“Is his house on the lake with the make-out dock?” We jokingly christened it after swapping stories about how she and Daire almost hooked up there and Easton made a move on me there when we first met.

“It’s a bigger lake with a bigger dock. Well, you’ll see. It’s cool. I think you’ll really like it, and the internet is strong so you can work. It’s spotty at the house right now, with all the renovations that have been going on. But it should be fixed soon.”

“You are really selling me on this.”

“I am. I want you to stay.”

“I’ll check it out,” I say to appease her, but I don’t see Easton being cool with me staying in his personal space. I also don’t think I want to know what Easton does in his free time with women.

“Is his house big?”

“Not like the estate, but it’s a good size house. Maybe 4000 square feet, a little less.”

“Good God. I knew he had a lake house on the property, but I’d always pictured a small cabin.”

“I believe it was very cabin-like, but he had it redone while he was away finishing college. Daire checked on it for him. It’s really beautiful, even if it is a bit masculine.”

The front door flies open, and a giant man walks in.

I scream and duck behind the counter, my phone gripped in my hand. Everleigh’s voice sounds from the speaker. “Sadie! Sadie, what’s wrong?”