“It’s more like I’d imagine her eating toast, if she did, with a fork and knife.”

I laugh and bring the plate of food with a cup of coffee to her. “Do you want any juice?”

One corner of her mouth hikes up with amusement.

“What is that look for?” I push a small succulent plant and some books aside to make room for the food and coffee on the small table.

“Nothing.” Her cheeks turn bright red.

“That is not a nothing blush. Tell me.” I sit beside her on the couch.

She scoots to the edge of the cushion and picks up the fork near the plate. “Smells good.”

“Sadie. Tell me.”

“I just imagined you walking here with my apron on and nothing else. I don’t know why.” She giggles and shakes her head.

What the hell? She’s picturing me naked now? Oh, Sadie, you surprise me.

With her cheeks still flaming, she scoops a bite of egg into her mouth.

I watch her lips close around the fork. Lips that have a whole new appeal to me, like her naked body.

“Mmm. You can actually cook.”

“Eggs are hardly cooking. And you’ve seen me grill.” At every backyard pool party at the estate, Daire and I grill steaks and chicken.

“Huh. I never noticed. I always thought it was Daire.”

I sigh and fall back against the couch. “Always invisible when Daire is around.”

Her eyes fill with compassion. She touches my knee with her small hand. “You’re not invisible. On the contrary, you stand out.”

“Not when Daire is around.”

“Daire has a presence. A boss-type presence. You have a presence too. It’s just more fun.”

“Fun. That’s even worse.” I close my eyes.

“I thought you liked being the fun brother.” She nudges my thigh.

I give her the stink-eye.

“Someone has to be in charge of entertainment.” She eats more eggs.

“You think of me as the family entertainment?”

She purses her lips. “The sexy family entertainment.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve pulled my life together.” I sit up. “I finished my degree in less than a year.” To Daire’s delight and surprise.

“You did.” She points her fork at me. “That was impressive.”

“And I’ve been working on a side project for the farm.”

“You have?” She stops eating.

I nod.