Page 100 of Sugar Coated Secrets

“What if I don’t?”

“Then you’ll tell yourself you’re capable of it until it’s real,” Daire chimes in. “That’s what I did with Everleigh.”

“It is?” She gasps.

“It is?” I echo her in surprise. Daire never comes across as unprepared or insecure.

He chuckles. “Yes. To both of you. Everleigh, you were the first woman to make me think I wasn’t good enough.”

“You were always good enough,” she assures him.

“I’m going to let you two continue this without me as a third party.”

Daire laughs again. “Easton, wait! I meant what I said. I’m proud of the man you’ve become and honored to be your brother.”

“Well, shit, now you’re going to make me cry. I can’t show up at Sadie’s looking like a pussy with tears in my eyes.”

“She might like it.”

“She’d love it,” Everleigh says.

“Shit, sorry, Ev. I didn’t know you were listening.”

“You’re on speaker. Now, go get your woman and tell her you love her.”

I laugh, even though the idea scares me to the core. “In all seriousness, thank you for what you said. Both of you. I appreciate it.”

“Love you, Easton,” Everleigh says.

“Love you, brother,” Daire says.

I end the call with a smile, despite my stomach twisting with dread about telling Sadie how I feel after she rejected me. That shit stung like salt in an open wound, but I have an idea.

Chapter 28


Loud voices reach my ears. If the TV were on, I wouldn’t be able to hear them. I haven’t been in the mood for murder shows, though. Usually, I play them as background noise when I work or do anything.

I set down the plant mister bottle next to Detective Pickles’s cage. His travel cage is still at Easton’s house. I asked Everleigh to get it from Easton and watch DP for me until I can get back to the farm. I’ll have to use the helicopter because my car is at Easton’s.

I wasn’t thinking when I left Daire’s penthouse yesterday. My emotions were heightened and all over the place. When Easton asked me to give him a chance, I was confused. Did he mean what he said, or was it brought on by pity?

I couldn’t bear trying to work things out with him when my emotions were so raw.

The ruckus grows louder and what sounds like a fight breaks out. I race to the window and peer outside.

Two men fight in the courtyard below. One is in a suit and the other is tall and sexy—Easton! And is that Dash? No!

I fly out the door and down the stairs. “Stop!” I raise my hands and repeat myself until they listen.

Easton has Dash on the ground, his jacket torn and his eye red and swollen.

“Did you punch him?” I ask Easton.

“He punched me first. Tried to.” With his hair a disheveled mess and falling over his eyes, he stands, then hauls Dash up by his suit jacket.

“Thank God, you’re here.” Dash fixes his coat, his plastered hair only slightly out of place. “Call off your guard dog. He’s out of control.” He touches the corner of his mouth where there’s a streak of blood.