He runs his hand through his hair, looking at a loss for words. “Dash—” He clears his throat. “Dash has a baby.”

I don’t say anything. I can’t. Because it can’t be true. A baby? Not possible.

“Did you hear me?” He touches my cheek.

I shoo his hand away. “I heard you. It’s not true. He can’t have a baby. He has friends and works all the time. He barely has time for me, let alone a baby.” Unless this whole time he’s been gone caring for the—I can’t think it. “No.” It’s another whimper. Talk about a fool.

“I’m sorry, Sadie.” He rests his big hand on my knee. “I feel like that’s all I say to you, but I’m so sorry.”

“When?” I lift my burning eyes to his, my heart shredded. “Who’s the woman?”

“It’s someone he dated in college. They’ve been on and off since graduating, but four months ago they got serious again during her last trimester, and she has a three-month-old baby now.”

I let out a sob. “You’re sure the baby is his?”

“Steven is.”

Oh God. I curl in on myself and pull my arms close to my chest.

Easton embraces me in a hug. “I didn’t want to tell you until later. When this ordeal with your father and half-sister was less fresh. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”

“I get it,” I murmur through tears. “I do.” It doesn’t change the facts or the pain. “I needed to know before I talked to him. I just can’t believe it. All this time, he’s been lying. He’s been cheating on me, making a baby, and pretending I’m the only one in his life. The only one he wants to marry.”

“He isn’t with her. He ended it after you broke up with him.”

“After?” I laugh without humor and lift my head. “Steven is sure about this? It doesn’t make sense that he’d dump her after I dumped him.”

“Steven talked to her. Mara something. I can’t remember her last name. She was really upset. She wanted to marry him, but he made it clear he only wanted to marry you.”

Oh God. I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom to vomit. The bourbon burns worse coming back up.

Easton appears in the open doorway and hands me a towel. “I’ll get you some water.”

I might throw it up, too. I can’t believe he dumped this woman to marry me. What kind of man does that? When was he going to tell me? Was he going to tell me? That poor baby. My stomach churns again.

Easton sits on the floor and holds out the water.

I take small sips until I feel a little better. I wipe my eyes. Black mascara stains my fingers. What a mess. “I can’t believe he did that. I don’t know him at all. I almost married him.”

“I know. But you didn’t.” He brushes strands of my hair behind my ear.

I move away, not wanting him anywhere near my vomit breath. “I need a toothbrush.” I need my own things.

“I can get one for you.” Easton stands. “Daire has extras somewhere.”

I slowly push to my feet. “I need to go home. It’s time.”

Fear and concern radiate from his eyes. “I don’t know, Sadie. You shouldn’t be alone.”

“Why not? I’m safe now. I was never in any real danger.” So much worry for a spoiled brat who wants to keep her fortune. First her, then Dash. Have I ever felt more used? “Please don’t tell Everleigh. She doesn’t need to know this. Not now. I can tell her later. It doesn’t matter, anyway.”

“I won’t tell her. But I don’t know if I can leave you alone.”

“Why? We’re done now, too. We had sex. You can go back to being you, and I’ll go back to my life.”

He doesn’t say anything, just stands there like he’s confused.

I push past him and get my jacket from the foyer closet.