I clear my throat and straighten away again. My gaze goes to Everleigh.

Red veins streak her glossy eyes. She’s as taken aback as I am, too emotional to have noticed anything beyond friendship between me and Easton. She’s also holding her belly as if she’s in pain.

“Are you okay?”

She nods, and Daire rubs her back. “She’s okay.”

I should have heeded Easton’s tone and let him tell me this alone. I had no idea what to expect, though. Had I stayed home this morning, this could have been avoided.

I touch Everleigh’s belly. “This needs protected more than I do. No more tears for you. You’ve shed enough throughout your life.” She lost her parents, then her grandma, and a year ago, her grandfather. Daire and I are all she has.

Daire sends me a thankful grin.

“I’m in good hands with Easton. Okay? No more worrying about this. We have a plan. I’ll be fine. But I won’t be fine if something happens to you two.” I pat her belly gently.

“I should take her home,” Easton says.

Home. My temporary home until my mom gets back. Only now that we know who the stalker—stalkers—are and their intentions, maybe I could return to my condo.

Chapter 26


Three days have passed since I learned the truth about my stalker. Easton and I have been busy separately—or possibly we’re avoiding each other. He’s kind and caring and attentive, but other than warm gestures, like rubbing my back or kissing the top of my head, he hasn’t flirted or tried to do anything more with me.

He spends a lot of time in his office or on his laptop in the kitchen, while I’ve been working in my room and creating more book covers to keep my brain busy. If I let my thoughts stray, they lead to my biological father and my half-sister, which sends my heart hammering and turns my palms clammy.

I can’t allow myself to go there until I have more facts. I searched his name, though, and saw pictures on the internet. I have his lips and hair color, but that’s where the similarities stop. Everything else about me is my mother, and I’m thankful. I couldn’t have handled looking like a man who wasn’t there for me.

As much as I thought I was over feeling abandoned like I did during my teen years, that anger has returned. Why did he only care to be with my mom for one night? Why did he use a fake name? Why did he disappear before she woke up? What was he afraid of? Was he married? Engaged? Was he a cheater and that’s why he wanted to use fake names? Turns out the answers aren’t pretty. According to Steven, Gabriel was married when he met my mom, which is a betrayal to both women.

I slam my fists on the bathroom counter with a small grunt. No more thinking like this. I have to keep my cool. In a few minutes, I’m going to meet my half-sister.

It’s been set up for a day now. Easton and I flew in the helicopter to Daire’s Atlanta penthouse this afternoon. We met up with Steven and a hulking ex-military bodyguard, then we all went to the penthouse.

Easton thought it’d be safer and give us the upper hand if I met Lola and her bodyguard here. It definitely made me feel more comfortable.

Two knocks sound on the door. “Sadie? You ready?” Easton asks from the hallway.

“Yeah.” I smooth down my cream sweater and cream corduroy pants. It was the nicest outfit I had packed. It’s also silly for me to want to look nice for this woman. I shouldn’t care about what she thinks. She didn’t consider me when she sent her bodyguard to grab me that one night.

I saw some pictures of her, too. She doesn’t look much like our dad either, other than having his blue eyes and bronzed skin. Her hair is long and black, and she looks regal.

We couldn’t possibly have anything in common. After Steven spoke with her and arranged this meeting, he informed Easton, who then informed me that his initial assumption about her was correct. Lola doesn’t want to be my friend. She’s here on business—getting me to sign a document stating I won’t try to gain money or power by legitimizing myself as my father’s biological daughter or sue her for any part of his estate now or in the future.

I exit the bathroom and walk into the family room. Gregory, our bodyguard, stands near the foyer, as if ready for anything. Steven, who’s also fit but much leaner, sits in one of the leather chairs near the sectional. His laptop rests on the coffee table. Easton watches me like a hawk as I cross to sit on the L-shaped couch, where Steven said we should conduct the business.

Steven looks at his phone. “They’re on their way up now.”

Easton slides in beside me on the couch. He takes my hand in his. He must notice how clammy my palm is, but he doesn’t let go. I tap my foot at a vigorous pace. Easton presses his hand to my leg to stop me, and I’m thankful. I don’t want to look as frazzled or as weak as I feel.

Gregory lets in my stalkers. Lola’s bodyguard, Alejandro, leads the way with my even more-beautiful-in-person sister trailing behind him.

Wow. For some dumb reason, I glance at Easton to see if he’s ogling her tall figure. Apart from the dark hair, she’s more his type than I am. His hawklike gaze is on her in the same way he had tracked me a moment ago.

Steven stands and greets Lola with a handshake. “Miss. Navarro. I’m who you spoke with on the phone.” He gestures to me. “This is Sadie.”

Like she doesn’t know who I am. I stand and raise my hand to her. “Nice to meet you.” Why did I say that?