“Look. I don’t want to argue. I want to see you. Doing this over the phone is hard. If I could see you, I know we could work this out. What if I come to the farm?”

“No!” I blurt. “I mean, there’s a lot going on with the renovations on the Inn and Everleigh being pregnant. There’s barely any room for me.” I’m lying through my teeth. Why am I not telling him I’ve been staying with Easton?

“I don’t have to stay at the farm. I could pick you up and we could go to Honeycomb and that restaurant you love. The one with the soup.”

The door behind me creaks open. I turn and lock eyes with Easton.

The sun shines in his beautiful face, showcasing his whiskey-colored irises.

I can’t talk to Dash around Easton.

“Listen, I have to go.”

“Sadie, wait! Please! We can’t keep going back and forth like this.”

“I know.” I give Easton my back and take the steps down from the porch for some privacy. I hate how uncomfortable I feel, like I’m betraying him by talking to my ex.

“You know my wishes. They haven’t changed. I want to marry you. The ball’s in your court. Please come see me soon.”

I end the call and paste a smile on my face when I turn to Easton. “Ready?”

He comes down the stairs and takes the basket from my hand. “Are you?” His gaze holds mine. He’s letting me decide what to tell him.

I zip my jacket. “I’m ready for more adventures.” I don’t see a package or envelope. “What happened to the pictures?”

“We didn’t want to risk contaminating them. Daire has them sealed for Steven. I snapped copies for you on my phone.”

“Oh. Smart.” And I’m supposed to be the crime show expert.

Easton takes it easy on the drive back.

The scent of burning leaves fills the air, the crisp breeze biting at my cheeks. “Are you sure we won’t be too cold? The sun is setting.”

“I have fur blankets, and I packed some bourbon to keep us warm.” He grins, looking like a sexy rancher in his blue jean shirt, his tan, fitted pants, and his corduroy jacket. A leather band encircles his wrist near his watch. The bracelet is incredibly sexy on him.

“Is it your pecan bourbon? Or should I say, the farm’s new pecan bourbon?”

“You know it, sweetcakes.” He winks.

“There’s no one else I’d rather be huddled up for my safety with,” I confess.

He groans and shakes his head, his expression equal parts thoughtful and confused. “What are you doing to me, Sadiecakes.”

“Being sweet?” I tease.

“You’re always sweet.” He keeps one hand on the steering wheel and uses the other to hook my waist and slides me closer to him on the bench seat.

I giggle and snuggle against his warmth.

Chapter 23


I sit reclined on the dock and watch the pink and purple fade from the sky. “There goes the last of it.”

“That’s my cue.” Easton takes the basket of leftover food and drinks to the boat.

Our picnic was amazing. The small fire pit offered the perfect amount of warmth, as did the blankets Easton brought. And the food was delicious. Millie outdid herself.