She’s always concerned for everyone else.
Sadie: I hope you’re not stressing over this. I told you, I’m handling it well. Easton is distracting me with a picnic. I just got the basket of goodies from Millie. Please don’t worry about this.
Everleigh: What did the police say? You didn’t tell me.
Oh crap. I forgot to let her know. We talked before I came here, but I hadn’t called the detective assigned to the case yet to give him the news.
Sadie: Nothing much. They want the pictures for evidence and to check for prints. Easton’s having the PI take them to Atlanta after he looks at them and then Steven will stay in touch and get the results, probably faster than I could.
Everleigh: Thank God for Steven. He’ll find something. He did regarding my situation, and that seemed impossible.
I remember when she and Daire told me the story. Easton was there, too. He was a big help in uncovering everything with Benedict. That day seems so long ago.
Everleigh: Have fun on your picnic. I’m glad Easton is distracting you.
She wouldn’t be if she knew in what way he likes to distract me, and that I’m into it.
I text Easton. He’s almost done and says he’ll meet me on the back porch by the café.
We parked the UTV out there. When he suggested we take it to the farm, I got nervous. Once again, he assured me I’m safe and that it’d be fun.
I had no idea how much I’d like it or how hard I’d laugh. He drove a bit wild for me. We’ll have to take it easy on the way home because of the food basket. I’d hate for any of it to spill. As soon as I step onto the porch my phone rings.
It’s Dash again. The last time he called he left a message about the vacation this Sunday and wanted to know if I’ve decided to go with him. I can’t keep avoiding him. He’s called me more this last week than he has in the last six months. I don’t get it. I kind of like it, but why did it take me breaking things off for him to realize what he lost? Maybe that was it. I had to end it for him to come to his senses.
I answer. “Hello?”
“Babe. I’ve been calling.”
“I know. Sorry.”
“Did you get my messages?”
“Yeah.” I face the rows of pecan trees and squint against the late afternoon sun. The warmth of it feels good with the chill in the air. Today wasn’t as cold as it’s been. For that reason, Easton didn’t want to wait to go on our picnic. Tomorrow the temperature will dip again.
“Have you decided anything?” he asks. “I miss you. When are you coming back to Atlanta? I’d rather have this conversation in person.”
“Everleigh needs me so I’m staying longer,” I lie.
He sighs with obvious disappointment. “Longer as in during our planned vacation?”
I’ve been avoiding making this decision. Time to fix that. “Yes. I’m sorry.”
“Me too.” He sighs again. “You can’t always run to Everleigh’s side when she needs you. I need you, too. You know what I had planned for you on this trip—for us. Are you willing to give it up for a friend?”
I scoff. “That’s rich coming from you. You’re always with your friends. You always put them first. Everleigh is my best friend. We have always been there for each other, no matter what. I won’t change that for anyone and if you truly loved me, you’d understand and accept it.”
My heart races. I can’t believe I said that. I’ve never talked to him like that before.
Silence stretches.
“I’m here,” he says. “I’m just shocked.”
Part of me wants to apologize. I don’t let myself. “I tried to explain this to you before. You never wanted to hear it. It’s not bad that I want more from the man I plan to marry.”