“Yes. Thank you. For what you did for me. The food, the caring, the other part.” Her cheeks turn pink. “I really like what you do to me.”
So many needs bombard me at once. The need to care for her in all ways, to protect her, to please her more. The need to be inside her, to make her forget all other men, the need to make her crave only me. It’s insane thinking. Illogical. I can’t make her want only me when I don’t only want her.
For now, I do. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone. But I’ve never been a man with staying power. I’d never want to promise a woman—Sadie, especially—more than I know I can give. It wouldn’t be fair. But maybe this isn’t fair to her, either. Getting her to try a lifestyle that has worked for me but might not work for her. So far, she has no complaints. She thanked me, for shit’s sake.
With my foot, I push open my bedroom door and do the same to the en suite bathroom. Sadie hasn’t looked around. Her eyes haven’t left my profile. I can feel them on me. I sit her on a stool near the tub.
She glances around, her eyes widening on the large tub and floor-to-ceiling window framing the view. The woods and lake are barely visible in the evening light. “Where are we?”
“My bathroom.”
“The one in your bedroom? Your private room. The room no one goes in?”
I nod and turn on the faucet. Water pours from the ceiling into the tub.
She takes in the black and white theme, accented with wood and soapstone. “Why’d you bring me here?” Her eyes are on me now.
I shrug and stand, peering down at her in that furry blanket. “I guess I wanted to see you in my tub.”
She takes in the floor-to-ceiling window again. “It’s beautiful.”
“Thanks,” I say, looking at the space with pride. “I had a hand in the design choices.”
“You did a great job.” She studies the landscape, the trees and lake. “Can people see me?”
I follow her gaze out the window. “What people?”
“Anyone hiding in the woods, maybe. A pervert?”
“A serial killer?” I tease.
A worried look crosses her face.
I laugh. “No one is out there. No one can see you. Besides, if there was someone, they already got a show when we were in the kitchen.”
Her entire face turns red. “I was the only one naked. You didn’t show them anything in your clothes.”
“Good thing there is no one out there, then.”
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“I do. The property is gated, surrounded by a wall, and monitored. Need I remind you. I even have cameras recording the back yard. Two deer set off the sensor this morning.” I remove my phone from my pocket and pull up the feed. “Want to see?”
She eyes the video. “Aw. I wish I could have seen them in real life.”
“You could have out your balcony.”
“I would have had to be paying attention.”
“Can’t help you with that.” I smirk and hold up bubble bath and bath salts. “Want either of these?” Everleigh gave them to me as a gift after I showed her and Daire the finished bathroom. I’ve never used them.
“I like them both.” She glances up from her spot on the stool, her eyes suggestive. The blanket falls and exposes her shoulders. Her sexy, messy hair adds to the sixties Playboy model vibe she has going on right now.
My dick, still semi-hard from eating her delectable pussy, goes fully erect.
I set the bubble bath and salts next to a clean towel by the tub. “Take all the time you need.” I touch her cheek, then force myself from the room before I do something she’s not ready for yet.
I need to take things slowly when it comes to Sadie. I don’t want to. But she needs me to restrain myself.