He hisses out a curse and moves so close I can feel his body brushing mine, like a whisper. He sweeps my hair over my shoulder and runs his nose along my neck. I tilt my head, giving him better access, and grip the counter because I’m shaking.

“Sadiecakes, you smell good enough to eat,” he breathes across my skin.

I sigh or moan. Who knows and who cares? Whatever this game is, I like it. I’m missing dinner. I haven’t texted to say I’d be late. I might miss the dinner completely, which isn’t me. And for the first time ever, I don’t care.

In my ear, he says, “I didn’t expect you to strip or stand here on display for me. I’ve half a mind to bend you over this counter, spank your sweet ass, and fuck you until we both see stars. To know you dressed up for me and wore this underneath…” He hisses, and then his warmth is gone, my skin suddenly chilled.

I wait for him to make his next move. I also don’t trust myself not to collapse from desire and hormone overload. The anticipation is as much as a turn on as standing here almost naked for him.

Seconds tick by. He doesn’t do or say anything.

The lusty fog starts to clear in my head. “Easton?” I glance over my shoulder. The room is empty.

What the hell? Where’d he go? I scan the massive space. He’s nowhere.

My phone dings with two texts. I scramble to put my dress back on and grab my phone from the counter.

Easton: Had to get away before I did something you’ll regret. I’m still waiting for you to tell me you can handle things. I told Everleigh I’m not making it to dinner. Have a nice time.

Everleigh: Easton isn’t coming. Are you making it?

I glance upstairs still riding a wave of desire and frustrated as hell. As much as I want Easton to take me without me making up my mind, I appreciate him holding back. I imagine it was equally hard for him. I’ve never felt so desired before in my life. I could feel his need for me. And I liked it. I’ve never had a commanding lover. I never thought I’d want to, but Easton makes it different, appealing instead of scary. He’d never do anything I don’t want. I trust him. So why am I not running upstairs to continue what he started?

My phone dings again.

Everleigh: Are you coming? If not, it’s okay. You can tell me.

Argh. I’m being a shitty friend. I said I’d go to the dinner and I’m going. Maybe when I get back, Easton and I can talk or do more. I feel high and crazy and not like myself, but I also feel more alive than ever.

I reply to Everleigh that I’m heading over. I also text Easton that I’ll be back later. On the way out, I stop in the garage and grab a bottle of the pecan bourbon, a plan in mind.

* * *

“That was amazing,” I tell Everleigh.

“Thanks, but I can’t take credit for any of it tonight. Not that I could make Veal Oscar and sweet lobster. That’s all Olga. I couldn’t decide between beef or seafood. She came up with this. My mind has been fuzzy lately, and I’m more tired than usual.” She rubs her belly. “This little peanut is making me lazy and craving surf and turf.”

Daire leans over, strokes her hair, and kisses her cheek. “It’s hard work creating a human. Don’t be so tough on yourself. It’s perfectly fine to take it easy. Your body will thank you.”

She kisses his chin, then his lips. I used to think he and Easton looked so much alike, but Daire is much more clean-cut.

No one has mentioned Easton yet. I want to bring up the topic of the bourbon I brought, but I don’t want to look too obvious. If only Everleigh could try it or if I could have spoken to her before the dinner, when Daire wasn’t around, I could have told her my plan. She would have thought it was worth a try.

“What’s for dessert?” I say, “besides this wonderful Bourbon.” I sip mine.

Everleigh’s brows pull tight with a confused look. Is she on to me?

Daire leans back in his chair and swirls the liquid in his glass. “I was so hungry I haven’t had a chance to appreciate it.”

“He skipped lunch,” Everleigh explains. “I hate when he does that, especially when Millie could have brought him up something.”

“It was a busier than usual day.” Daire sips the brown liquid. “This is really delicious.” He sips more. “I don’t think I’ve had anything like it.” He eyes me. “You brought this?”

“I did. It’s a new brand.”

“New brand?” Daire eyes the bottle. “Can I see that?”

I pass it to him.