“Sadie, you’re brilliant.”

The smile she gives me lights up her entire face. “I’ve never been brilliant before.”

Before her, I hadn’t been called that, either. “Can I hire you to do this in detail and to do it how you described?”

She stiffens. “You want to hire me?”

“If you’re available. No pressure. I don’t want to give your idea to someone else to take the credit. You designed it. And I think it’s perfect for the label.”

“Well, then, of course I’ll do it. I’d be honored.” Her posture softens, and her tender smile sends warmth through my chest.

I hold her gaze for a moment.

She takes the drink—I think to break eye contact with me—and sips more bourbon.

“You know what this would be awesome poured over? Pecan ice cream and a warm brownie.” She closes her eyes and moans.

My mind reels with ideas from her comment. Ice cream. Millie and Everleigh make pecan ice cream this time of year. At a company dinner party over the summer, Millie and Everleigh made bourbon pecan ice cream sundaes for dessert. They’d made the ice cream prior, but that’s not the point. The point is Everleigh already made this. I can use it to sell the idea on Daire. I can probably get Everleigh to agree with me because she loves bourbon pecan ice cream sundaes. It’s why she chose to serve them. Holy shit! Excitement vibrates through my body.

“You just grew taller on that stool. What’s going on in your mind?”

“Everything. Everything I need to make this dream happen. And all because of you. You.” I cup her cheeks. “And that beautiful, brilliant imagination.” I kiss her forehead. Then her nose. Then her lips.

I hadn’t planned to kiss her on the mouth, but now that I’m here, my lips pressed against her plump ones, I can’t move away. She hasn’t shoved me off her yet. I should disengage. This isn’t what she wants. Only, she’s not retreating.

My hands still hold her cheeks. I’m about to separate myself from one of my favorite parts of her when her lips open a little and she kisses me back.

I test this further and mimic her movements.

She kisses me again with more pressure and sweeps her tongue over my lips.

Before I can stop myself, I tilt her head and kiss her at a sensual angle. Her mouth opens more, and she releases a shuddering breath.

It sends a rush of blood straight to my dick. I kiss her harder and sweep my tongue across her bottom lip, asking—begging—for permission.

She opens enough for me to plunge in, and I do. The sweet taste of bourbon on her tongue has me on fire. My grip on her cheeks tightens. I stand and devour her with a desire I haven’t felt from a kiss before.

She cups my hands and gives me her all, meeting my licks and thrusts. It’s hot, wet, and greedy. She spreads her legs for me to slip between her thighs. Her hands go up my back, caressing my taut muscles. I’m so hard, my dick is trying to poke a hole in my pants.

Her breath races, and little moans keep escaping her throat. I can’t remember a kiss ever causing me to lose control. And that’s what I’m doing. If I don’t stop this now, I’m going to hoist her onto the counter and fuck her right here.

Stop. Don’t stop. Move away. Move closer.

She sucks my tongue into her mouth. I almost come.


I wrench away from her, my breath racing like I ran five miles on the treadmill. I wipe my mouth.

“Shit. Sadie, I’m so sorry.” I can’t look at her.

I can’t believe I fucked up so badly. I’ve been doing so well. A fucking angel, not making a move on her last night or when I was at her house on the kitchen floor. I’ve done the right thing—until this moment. I’ve screwed up everything. I don’t even know how to ask for forgiveness. I’m an asshole. I took advantage of the moment and her trust. I’m a piece of shit.

“I’m so sorry.” I walk off, get in my car, and drive to the nearest bar.

Chapter 13
