“You’re very blessed, Easton.”

“Me? The spare to the heir?”

I give him a tender smile. “Most of the time we’re so close to our own lives we can’t see it the way others do.”

How many people saw Dash as wrong for me? Why did it take me so long to figure it out for myself?

“I’m going to unpack, shower, and then maybe order food for dinner. Would that be okay?”

He rests his back against the railing, the picturesque fall view of trees and the lake behind him, making him look like a sexy model in a cologne ad. “You don’t have to ask me if you can order anything. It’s your house for the next two weeks. Do what you want.”

I bite the inside of my mouth and stare at my boots. “I know this was forced on you. I don’t want to impose more than is necessary.”

He touches my chin and lifts my face, so I meet his gaze. “Let’s get something straight. No one forces anything on me. I could have said no. I have before regarding other things, to my brother’s great dismay. I’m okay with this.”

Nothing in his expression says he’s not.

“Okay. Thank you.” I walk back into the bedroom.

Easton closes the door to the balcony, taking the chill from the room. The trees block most of the sun around here and it will set soon, making it even colder. I want to be settled in before then.

“I should get my suitcase.”

“I brought it in for you. It’s by the garage door.”

“Oh! Thank you.”

How sweet. Dash never would have done something like that unless I asked him to.

I tell Detective Pickles I’ll be right back, then follow Easton down the stairs to the first floor.

My glutes will look great after climbing these for two weeks.

“What are your plans for tonight?” I ask, so he knows I don’t expect him to stay home on my account.

He spreads his arms. “You’re looking at it. I might work out a little after we eat.”

“At the gym?” Oakville is bigger than Honeycomb, but it’s still a small town. My guess is the only gym is downtown.

“The basement has a workout room.”

“Oh. Nice.”

“You can use it whenever you want.”

Laughter bubbles from me. “I wouldn’t know where to start. My gym equipment is a yoga mat, and I don’t even stick to that.” I glance around the foyer and stairs, searching for my suitcase.

Easton disappears down a hallway and re-emerges with my luggage. “Looking for this?”

“Yes. Thank you.” I walk over to retrieve it.

He rolls the suitcase behind him. “I’m not making you carry this up all those stairs. My daddy taught me better than that.”

Ooh. He’s sexy when he talks like this. “I rein in a too-big smile and pray my cheeks aren’t as red as they feel. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He turns and climbs the stairs.

Instead of following him, I stand there staring at his broad shoulders and backside until he disappears from my view. Wasn’t I supposed to be doing something—unpacking and stuff?