I take a moment to finger comb my hair and blot my face. I look like I was doing work outside instead of riding in a car. Once I’m done, I stop before entering the kitchen when I hear Easton say my name.

“I really appreciate you letting her stay with you,” Everleigh says. “Sadie hates to be a third wheel. Hint, hint.”

“Are you hinting that I’d make her a third wheel with a date?”

“I don’t know what you do at your home.”

He laughs. “I do exactly what you think I do. But don’t worry. It’ll be fine. It’s only for two weeks.”

“Could be longer,” Everleigh adds, hopeful.

“She won’t stay longer. No matter how much you want to keep her, she has a life in Atlanta.”

“She doesn’t like city life. She misses small town living.”

“Really?” He sounds surprised.

Had I never mentioned that during our conversations?

“Really,” Everleigh assures him. “She wanted to move back here when you first met her. She didn’t because of Dash. He prefers the city.”

Before Easton says anything about the breakup, I enter the kitchen. “I’m back.”

Everleigh sits at the island on a stool, a bowl of quinoa salad in front of her and another by the stool one over, near my hamster.

I join her. “Looks good.” Everything she cooks is delicious.

“I’m going to make some calls. Text me when you’re ready to leave,” Easton says and strolls from the room.

Everleigh watches him leave, then leans close. “Is there a weird tension between you two, or is it me?”

“I don’t think he’s happy I’m staying with him.”

“He’s fine.” She bites her food.

I taste mine. Mmm. “Is that citrus?”

She smiles and nods.

“I’m telling you, you missed your calling as a chef.” I used to say as a baker too, but now that she has the café on the farm, she gets to wear that hat whenever she wants.

“Does Dash know you’re staying with Easton?” she asks, nervously.

I bite more food, hesitating before unleashing this bomb. “Dash and I broke up.”

She drops her fork in her bowl. It makes a loud clunk. “Sorry. I’m just shocked. You have your trip in two weeks. I thought you were getting engaged.”

“We probably would have, but I ended it.”

I explain how he’s never around and that I want more for myself. I also express my doubts about my choice. “Am I making a mistake?”

She chews, thoughtfully—I suspect to find the right words. “I think you ended it for worthy reasons, and you should trust your decision. Dash isn’t who he was in high school. He was all about you back then. Now, he has his job, which requires most of his time, and he divides the rest of his time between you and his friends.”

“Mostly his friends these days.”

“That’s not fair to you.” Everleigh lays her hand on my knee. “I always noticed it, but I thought you were happy with having a lot of alone time.”

I slump. “I think I appreciated it at first. I’d been alone for six months, and if Dash had smothered me in the beginning, I’m not sure how I would have liked it. But when I wanted to be closer and do more, he wasn’t on the same page. I mean, we’re not even living together. It’s been almost a year of dating, and he wanted to wait to live together until after our marriage, said it was tradition in his family.” I let out a sad sigh. “I respected him for wanting to follow his traditions. He’s always said he believes in that, and it’s why he knew he wanted to marry me one day. He said I’d be the best wife. He wants kids, like I do. In those ways, we were on the same page. But now I’m wondering if me and our kids, should we have been blessed, would ever see him.”