“Sadiecakes, it’s me.”

I rest my forehead against the lower cabinet door and catch my breath.

“Sadie! Sadie, are you all right?” Everleigh pleads.

Easton’s big form rounds the counter. “Shit.” He takes the phone from my hand. “Hello? Oh hey, Ev. I scared her by accident. I’ll make sure she’s okay. I will. Bye.”

He squats down next to me and runs a palm over my hair. “I’m sorry. I turned the knob, thinking the door was locked, but it opened, and I kind of barreled in. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I drop onto my backside and sit with my legs crisscrossed. “I forgot to lock the door?” I ask in disbelief.

He nods.

“I never do that. Never.”

“I know. I think you’re more shaken by the attack than you realize. People aren’t typically grabbed on the street. You are the most cautious person I know. You warn everyone to be careful, fearing they’ll be a victim somehow, and then it happened to you. It’s scary.”

He sits and mirrors my position, his knee touching one part of my backside, his other near my knee. He slides me into the V of his crossed legs.

I let out a shuddering breath, comforted by his presence in a way I can’t explain. Dash didn’t even make me feel this safe.

“What’s scarier than that,” I say, “is he didn’t take my purse, or my rings, or phone, or ask for money. He wanted me. Just me. Why?”

“I don’t know.” He brushes my hair behind my shoulder.

“Do you think he wanted to traffic me, or hurt me, or murder me?”

“I don’t think we should think about those things. You’re safe. You got away, and I have my PI looking into him. If there is something to be found, he’ll find it.”

I stare directly into his eyes. “And then what?”

“That’s up to you. We can turn what we find over to the police, or we can use more private methods to deal with him.”

I gasp and whisper, “You don’t mean murder?”

He chuckles softly. “I mean roughing him up, getting information, and then anonymously dumping him off at the police station.”

“Would you be the one roughing him up? I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

His eyes dance with amusement. “I wouldn’t be the one, and I’m not worried about getting hurt.”

“I am. I’d die if you got hurt because of me or for me.”

“You’d die?” he asks, doubtfully.

“Yes. Inside, I would. I told you, you’re important.” I brush his bangs from his eyes.

Moments pass as we sit there on my kitchen floor, staring at each other. What is he thinking? Does he want to leave? Is this boring him already? Does he have a date tonight and she’s on his mind?

My gaze drops to his lips. Like the rest of him, they’re perfect. He and his brother won the gene pool lottery. I used to believe people as beautiful as him and Daire were descendants of the Nephilim. The offspring of humans and fallen angels from long ago, because how else can you explain such angular features? The symmetry. The chiseled perfection of his body. Even his whiskey eyes are scattered with thin black stripes, like spokes on a bike wheel. I’ve never seen eyes like his. You have to be really close to notice. Every woman he’s ever kissed has been treated to the rarity.

“Sadie,” he purrs. “Don’t look at me like you want to kiss me unless you want to.”

“And if I did, then what?” Dangerous questions lead to dangerous answers.

He hesitates, his gaze on mine as a tiny smirk appears at the corner of his lips, then he bends to my ear. “Typically, I’d slip my tongue in your mouth and tease you until you’re breathing heavily. I’d drag you onto my lap so you could feel how hard I am for you, then I’d take you to the bedroom, lick every inch of your skin, spending extra time on your breasts and sweet pussy—because I know it would be sweet. I’d make you come in my mouth before spanking your ass, as promised, then I’d fuck you until you saw stars and forgot your name.”

I’m drenched, panting, and in need of every single thing he just said. His words alone were better than sex ever was with Dash.