Page 44 of Dirty Arrangement



I can barely still keep my eyes open when my phone vibrates, Mia’s name lighting up on the screen.

“I’m getting closer to the orphanage,” she says the moment I put my pods in, not even waiting to hear my voice.

“Mia, the connection–”

“The connection is secure, Declan made sure. We only have a window of a few minutes, though.”

“I thought I asked you not to involve Dec–”

“Sirenna, we don’t have time for this. He’s my husband, and I needed his help. You don’t owe him anything. Now listen. The facility looks like it was abandoned, but it belongs to Zayne Thorngren. He owns it. Right now, the place is sealed from satellite view, but Declan has some friends working on new technology to breach that. Do you have any new details about the place or what happens there?”

“Not yet.” I prop myself on my elbow, my eyes squinting out the window at the city lights. I sigh, so tired that I’m almost high. Having been masterfully fucked just an hour ago has left a delicious heaviness in my muscles. “I’ll keep digging, but it will take longer than I expected.”

“Have you discovered any weaknesses that might get him talking?”

“I’m not sure.” My gut tells me I’ve already discovered one–me–but just because I want it to be true it doesn’t mean it is. “He certainly has wounds. And scars. All over his body. Big, mean scars.”

“You mean like real scars?” she grumbles.

I tell her about the marks on his body, but not the story behind them. There’s no time for that.

“Shit,” she breathes. “Listen, if you need extraction, if you decide this is too much, the man is too dangerous–”

“He is too dangerous,” I say before she gets to finish, my voice calm. “But that’s not why I’m staying. I’m not afraid of him, not anymore.”

“You’re not afraid of him?” Though her tone is hushed, I can hear the outrage. “Sirenna, he’s forcing you to–”

“And I’m enjoying every moment of it.” I should’t be so fucking proud to say it.

“Is he drugging you? Are you on something? Because if that’s the case, we’re going to barge in there and get you out no matter what you–”

“You don’t want that kind of heat for Declan, Mia. Besides, I’m fine, and you guys are far more useful doing what you’re doing.” A slow, thudding noise outside the door draws my attention. “I’ll be in touch.”

I kill the call, listening intently for the faint thudding, but it stopped. My chest tightens uncomfortably, worrying that Zayne might have other ways of knowing what’s happening in this room. I checked it for mics and cameras and found nothing, but then again, this is the Lex Luthor of the real world we’re talking about. He could be employing means of surveillance that don’t even cross the mere mortal’s mind.