She collapses on top of me, her cheek on my chest and her arms slowly circling my waist. We’re both wet and slick with cum, swimming in pleasure, and I think I just found God. What I’m feeling right now is nothing short of divine. There’s no better word for it.
Sirenna leaves a trail of kisses on my chest as she fights to catch her breath, pressing her lips along the scars on my chest, her hands moving lovingly all over me. I only get to play the slave tied to a pipe for another few moments before she holds out her hand, silently asking for the key. I push my hand into my pocket and place it in her waiting palm.
Still straddling me, she lifts her upper body and traces her hands slowly down my front, her eyes full of lustful embers as if she gets to see me like this for the last time.
“You can have me tied up any time you want, wild flame,” I say huskily. I’m so full of love for this woman that I’m choking on it.
She shakes her head, tears shimmering in her eyes.
“You don’t understand, Zayne,” she murmurs. “You don’t understand what I feel for you.”
“What do you feel for me, wild flame?” I whisper, hunger punching into my stomach. I need to hear this so badly. Fuck, I’ve never felt his needy in my life. Except, maybe, all those years ago when the little girl was taken away from me, only her teddy bear left behind.
Sirenna shakes her head again as if she doesn’t believe anything she could say would make me understand the true depth of her feelings. Elation travels up my veins, leading to an explosion in my heart when she says, “I love you, Zayne.”
She said it before, but now it sends fireworks crackling in my chest.
I sit up, holding her gaze, a silent invitation for her to unlock the shackle. She wipes her tears with the back of her hand, then proceeds to do it. The metal hits the floor with a clang before I wrap my hands possessively around her wrists. Before she knows it, I’ve pinned her down under me, my still erect cock pressing against her lower belly. She’s completely naked, while my pants are still clinging to my thighs, my body a bulk corded with muscle hovering over her delicate frame.
“You could crush me so easily,” she whispers, looking as if the fact turns her on. I’ve always known that my wild flame wasn’t a vanilla kind of girl, but it still amazes me how she finds erotic stimulation in such a stark imbalance of power.
“I could never hurt you, Sirenna,” I say, my voice the deep growl of an animal. “Any harm that comes to you would be a fucking stab to me. You’re my heart, beating outside my chest. It’s what you’ve always been, even if I wasn’t fully aware of it. It’s why I had you closely monitored and protected since the first time we met at BioThorn–since the first time we were intimate with each other.” I pause, my fists clenching around her wrists, waiting for her to argue that what happened between us that first time wasn’t intimacy. But the protest never comes. She just waits for me to continue, her legs spreading wider, allowing me to nestle between them and impale her with my insatiable cock if I want to.
“I wish our first time would have been different,” I whisper.
“I wouldn’t have had it any other way.” She writhes under me, enticing me to enter her.
“Sirenna, you need to hear this.” I hold her firmly in my grip, desperate to take her, and yet needing her to know this. She stops moving but, horny as she is, she barely controls her breathing.
“You think you love the real me, but the truth is you want me to become a good guy. You want me to stop skinning assholes alive and experiment on them. And I can do that for you. But I was forged into a villain, Sirenna, and like anyone with an incurable disease, I need to be on medication forever.” I kiss gently on the lips before I say, “You are that medication. Keep me on it my entire life, and I’ll be your lap dog.”
“I’m yours forever, Zayne.” The love imbuing her voice while she says that sends a zap of joy up my spine.
“You make me so fucking happy. I don’t deserve this.”
Her hands clench into little fists in my grip.
“You deserve the world,” she blurts out, full of conviction. Her inner thighs slide up my legs and, before I know it, they’re wrapped around my hips, her pussy overflowing as it grinds against me.
I loose a groan, unable to resist her.
“I want to believe you, so badly,” I murmur.
“Then believe me,” she entices, her voice a siren’s call. “You’re the only man for me, Zayne, and I love you beyond rhyme or reason.”
“Marry me, Sirenna,” I plead as I push the head of my cock into her, still coated in my own cum.
“I will,” she breathes, and my head swims with delight.
I enter her smoothly this time, her body welcoming me like my own personal corner of heaven. My belief deepens as I bury myself inside the only woman I’ve ever loved, emotion filling every corner of my soul.
I fuck her here on the floor, both of us writhing with pleasure, the smell of sex filling the space. Even though we both came just minutes before, climax floods us again, and we find release at the same time, as one. Our mouths clash and your tongues tangle, her wrists still firmly pinned to the floor, my knuckles grinding into the concrete. She arches her back off the floor, her blonde hair pooling on the ground as she climaxes all over my cock, drawing me with her into a perfect moment of bliss.
This is how I want to live the rest of my life. In a tangle of flesh and sweat and feeling with this woman.
“This is it,” I rasp, my whole being swimming in delight. “You are the one, Sirenna. And you’re mine. There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for you.”
Her body settles into a molten mess under me, and her eyes meet mine again, filled with an emotion that goes beyond love.