Page 55 of Dirty Arrangement

I never thought I’d feel this way about a man. Lose my head, my heart beating only for him. I’m all emotion and no thought, and the worst part is that he can do no wrong anymore.

I brush tendrils of black hair from his forehead, my leg curled over him as we lay together on the sofa, satiated and happy. My silken robe is thrown over our naked bodies to cover us in essential places. I expect Mariana to buzz herself in any moment now, but honestly, I don’t care anymore. Let the world know that I’ve fallen in love with a villain. And if I have to face his entire past and fight Kelly for him, I will. If there’s one thing I’m used to in this world, it’s fighting for what I want.

It’s been almost an hour when Zayne finally opens his eyes, and I meet his gaze with a warm smile.

“In all the nights we spent together, I’ve never seen you sleep.”

The moment his fingers touch my cheeks, electricity runs through me in a pleasant ripple. I close my eyes and sigh, nestling my face in his palm. And when my eyes open again, there’s a tropical warmth in his that completely disarms me, my heart flipping inside my chest.

“You’ve never looked at me like this before,” I whisper.

“I’ve never felt like this before.” Even his voice sounds different. Still the lazy purr of a lethal predator, but coated in velvet. His palm covers my entire cheek, and when his other hand cups the other, I feel like I could stay wrapped in the heat of his body forever. “I never thought I could feel like this about a woman.”

My heart beats in my throat, making it hard to breathe.

“You’ve bewitched me, Sirenna Miller,” he muses, my breasts glued to his broad chest as he pulls me impossibly nearer. “I came to raid you like a barbarian, and you let me. You didn’t put up any resistance, and yet you seeped into my heart and my mind and into my very bones until you became as vital as breath. Until I could no longer function without you.” That familiar insanity spreads into the blue of his eyes and, while I’m still struggling to get my breathing in check.

He invades my mouth, his tongue overriding mine, taking my breath away. Within seconds, it feels like he’s going to eat me alive, and my only choice is to give in, to let it happen. I’m dying to surrender to his seduction, yearning to be possessed by him.

He’s barely allowed our lips to part for a breath when the door buzzes. Zayne’s arms wrap around me when Mariana steps in, two security guys carrying in the groceries for her.

“Not a good moment.” Zayne’s tone vibrates like a weapon from his chest. The men don’t even need to locate the spot where his voice is coming from in order to drop the groceries by the door, and scurry out. Only one of them glances over his shoulder, and it’s enough for us to recognize each other–it’s the security guy who first tried to prevent me from entering BioThorn.

Mariana looks around, confused for a moment before taking a few steps forward to spot us on the sofa. I squirm in Zayne’s arms, uncomfortable with the old woman’s gaping face when she understands what she’s looking at.

“A little privacy, Mariana, if you don’t mind,” Zayne says calmly, but she can’t seem to get herself moving. “Oh come on, it’s not like you didn’t already know,” he says, and that’s when she straightens up as if she’s just snapped out of some fantasy. “You can leave the groceries, I’ll carry them for you.”

“Of course, Sir.” With that, she quickly heads back to the door and disappears down the hallway towards the kitchen.

“What was that?” I demand quietly while shuffling the robe back on and watching Zayne pull the gray sweatpants over his still semi-erect cock.

“What was what?”

“You wanted her to see us,” I point out, getting up to my feet as well and trying to avoid ogling him. I can barely refrain from reaching out and winding my arms around his waist, pressing myself to his chest again, where I feel safe and warm. “What’s the deal?”

“I wanted her to know that you and I are serious. That we’re–” he shrugs, looking like an awkward teenager. For a moment, I’m back in high school, stricken that the sexiest guy in school wants me.

“You know, that we’re together.”

Shock runs through me. “Together?” I whisper stupidly.

His voice is deep and grave when he says, “You’re mine, Sirenna, with or against your own will. But it would make things much easier for both of us if you wanted this, too.”

My eyebrows rise higher with each word he says. I’m not sure he realizes how threatening he sounds. Deep down, I want to laugh and cry at the same time.

“You know damn well all I want is to be with you.”

He runs a hand through his hair, and warmth pools in my core. Light from the large windows falls on his handsome face, illuminating the emotion imprinted on it. There’s something so innocent, pure and wild about the sight that it puts crazy little butterflies in my stomach.

Realizing he doesn’t know what to do with the feelings assaulting him, I decide to try and help. I step closer, resting my hands gently on his abs before I let them slide down over his scars towards his waistband.

“So, since we both want this,” I murmur. “What are we to each other? Because I’m not sure we can use the titles of girlfriend and boyfriend, considering that I am, technically, still married.”

I tilt my head to the side, seeking his gaze.


He looks down, taking my hands in his.