Page 27 of Calder

“Me? How? I know nothing about hunting down bad people. Can you get Luna and Astrid to do it? They are badasses.”

“Nope. Luna is the wrong sex for the mark, and Astrid will not be going into that place without me and if we go in there together, we won’t get the job done,” Lennox speaks up, winking at me.

“I did not need to hear that, fucker.” Slide throws a pen at Lennox, making him laugh.

“You do know that we have sex, right? Your daughter is my Ol’ Lady and will carry my kids in the future.”

I look between Lennox and Slide, smiling at their banter.

“That’s my baby,” Slide gripes, while Lennox shrugs.

“Kady, the mark goes to a sex club down in Miami. She is vulnerable there, so we need a couple to go in, keep an eye on her so the brother who goes in can grab her. She has evaded us for long enough now,” Maverick says to me.

A sex club?

Oh, shit; which brother will be going in there with me? They are all paired off well except for Jack and… Calder. Fuck.

“I have never been to a sex club before. Will I have to do things while we are in there, ya know, to blend in?”

“Yes,” comes Calder’s snappy reply.

My head snaps in his direction, to see the sexy man smiling at me.

“Lilith is single,” I blurt out.

Shaking his head, he explains, “Lilith would run a mile from what she will see in there. You are as badass as Luna and Astrid, so we know that you will handle yourself. Plus, I do not think that Jack would like to be touching you when he has her on his mind.” Calder winks at Jack.

“Prick,” Jack murmurs.

“So, it is safe to say that it would be me and Calder going into this sex club, if I agree to help the club out?” I direct my question to Magnum.

He nods. “Yes. Not to make you uncomfortable, but you already have a chemistry and I think it will help when you are both in the club. Hopefully, she won’t suspect a thing and have no fucking clue when Calder grabs her.”

I ignore the way my body reacts hearing him say that they know there is some sort of chemistry between Calder and me. It has been building, and a sliver of worry slips into my mind thinking that placing me and Calder in such a sexually charged environment will not end well.

Just being in the same room as Calder, my body heats from the inside out. One look from him with his smoldering bedroom eyes has my lady parts fluttering and weeping for him.

“Okay, I will help, but he needs to be tested.”

Some of the men laugh outright, others trying to hide their laughter, but Calder glares at me.

“Oh, baby, I wrap up my cock every time I stick it in a woman.”

My stomach tightens when he mentions using a condom when fucking other women. I know that it shouldn’t, but I am only human. We can fight our feelings all we want, but they are still there.

“For one. Ew.” My face screws up like I smelled something disgusting. “Two, I don’t care who you fuck, Calder.” My voice is harsher now.

“Kady—” Calder says my name but Rookie cuts him off before he can say anything more.

“Enough, Kady. We understand that you and my son have this pull between you, but this needs to fucking work. This bitch has been scamming old people out of money so she needs taking care of.” Rookie’s voice is hard and it makes my skin ripple with a shiver.

“And by taken care of you mean…” I leave it hanging open.

Chuckles follow my question, the glare slips from Calder’s face, and he pushes to his feet, walking around the table to me. His hand slips around my waist and I shiver, the good kind this time. Keeping my eyes focused on the skull behind Magnum’s head, the one that I made for him, I avoid looking at Calder.

Calder inches into me, his lips brushing my ear.

“We do not kill unless we need to. This chick will be behind bars. Cal is ready to take her in when we catch her, and baby, we are going to catch her.”