Page 1 of Calder



I sigh, leaning back in my chair, in the room where we have our club meetings—our church, as bikers call it. It is always mistaken for a religious church room to outsiders. To bikers it carries the same importance but not a religious one.

Fuck, I think if any of us Rugged Skulls walks into a church, we would burst into flames for all the shit we have done in our lives in the name of the club and the people we love, or simply because the fucker deserved it.

“We need to find this bitch. The nerdy guys got caught and none of those limp dicks will give her up,” Maverick bitches from his seat. His man, Cal, the local sheriff, stands behind him, with a hand on his shoulder.

He may be a fully patched member’s Ol’ Man but he does not get a seat at the table.

“They have been offered deals, threatened with harsher charges, but none of them will give her up,” Cal explains.

I can see the frustration on his face, as well as everyone else’s. We caught the fuckers who were doing her dirty work for her. She would show her sweet and innocent side to get the old folks on her side, then the pathetic nerdy guys would steal all their money.

“She must have sucked dick like a fucking porn star,” I chime in.

“We have to try something new to catch her,” Rookie, aka my father, adds.

“No shit,” Mav gripes.

A knock comes on the door to church, and we all turn in that direction. Jack, who is closest, gets up to open it, and we see a smiling Astrid in the doorway.

“Baby?” Lennox calls to his Ol’ Lady.

She winks at him, stepping into the room, looks to Maverick, then to Magnum.

“I found her.”

The room goes still at her news before Pres speaks.

“Who and where? I am not going to ask you how because it is you.” He grins at her.

“Her name is Emma Stanton. She is twenty-six and has had a sketchy childhood and education. Kicked out by her parents because she was always getting into trouble, was put into foster care until she aged out but they helped her get into college. Bounced from college to college, because she would get kicked out for gambling and scamming people. They were small offenses, no charges were ever filed. There are a few aliases for her, but I have been working on tracking her, seeing if she has any habits. Places she goes back to and so on.”

The happy look on her face, wide smile, and bright eyes show her excitement. I know this has been getting under her skin as much as Maverick’s, not being able to find this woman.

“And does she?” Opal asks Astrid, who is nodding in confirmation.

“She floats between Miami and Fort Myers. No family connection that I can find in either location. I did find a club membership for one of her aliases.” Her cheeks tint pink as she looks to her man, who smirks at her, reading her body’s reaction.

Oh my, now my fucking interest is piqued. Sitting up in my chair, I rest my forearms on the tabletop, looking at her with a wide grin on my face.

“What kind of club, Astrid dear?” I ask in a teasing tone.

Some of the guys snicker, but Lennox shifts in his seat. His hand goes beneath the table, and I have no fucking doubt he is adjusting his cock. He has a hint about what club his woman is speaking about, by the way her eyes focus on him and darken.

She drags her gaze from her man’s to me, who like everyone sitting at the table, is waiting patiently for her to reply.

She tosses a file onto the table, crossing her arms with a roll of her eyes before she answers.

“It is a sex club, Calder. You know, the correct place for someone to have sex with multiple people in one night, not a family run bar,” is her reply, making me grin wider at her sass.

Holding my hands out wide, I reply to her.

“What can I say. The women love me.”

“They love how easy you are, brother,” Royal states, so I flip the fucker off, laughing.