Page 77 of Mavericky

He throws punch after punch but I block most of them. We are both panting, catching our breaths but we live for this. We need to keep fit for the jobs that we do, plus we have always liked to look good for the ladies, or, in my case, the guys too.

“Come on, Dad. You can take him.” I chance a look over to Dom, who is doing some homework on the nearby table.

He smirks at me after cheering his dad on, then laughs when I duck just in time, causing Jack’s fist to miss my head.

“You little shit. You can fuck off if you think I am updating your console,” I call out to him, and he flips me off and laughs. “I will get Aunt Astrid to do it.”

“You raised a prize peach there, brother,” I say to Jack, who smiles at me.

“Damn fucking right I did. That kid could con a con artist.” We jig and duck and dive for another thirty minutes, until we call it quits.

I still have some hacking to do to track down the fuckers scamming the elderly people.

We climb out of the cage, and I collect a water from the fridge, tossing one to Jack and getting one for myself. I down the whole thing in one swallow, then reach for another. Picking up a towel off the shelf I dry off my face, then my body, while walking over to the father and son combo, where Finan has now joined us.

“You need help with this, talk to Juni; she did good with her history,” Finan tells the kid.

“Will do, Uncle Fin. I just don’t see the point in history; it is in the past, we can’t do anything to change it.”

I hold my fist out to him to bump.

“Kid has a point. Fuck all we can do about that shit now. I don’t see why they need to waste kids’ time learning about what has already happened.”

“They need to learn to evolve, and know the history of their country, fuckface,” Jack gripes, making me laugh.

“Dom will be the Rugged Skulls Pres one day, fucker. He will have everything at his feet, and then some. The kid will be street smart, as well as educated about the here and now.”

This time Dom holds his fist out to me for a bump, and I wink at him.

“Have you booked my birthday cake, Dad?” Dom asks Jack.

Jack’s cheeks go a little pink and it is not from the sparring we just did. He is not a shy man but he is more reserved than Royal, especially when it comes to women. He keeps that shit away from Dominic.

“Um, yeah, kid. All booked.”


“So did you book Lilith to do the cake?” I ask, smirking at him.

We all know about the crush he has on her but he won’t allow himself to go there until Dom is older; he thinks that he needs to set a good example for him. That is why he never sees anything that goes on in the club.

We all respected his decision to never let Dom see anything sexual, yeah he sees the couples kiss but that is it, and the club never does anything that he would see or question. One day he will run this club and he will know all about respect and loyalty.

“She is the best in town, you know I did,” is Jack’s response.

“Maybe, you know, you could ask her out. Maybe for coffee,” Finan pipes in, grinning over the top of his water bottle.

“Yeah, Dad, you never date anyone. Lilith is a nice lady; she lets me taste some of the new cakes and candies that she makes.”

See, the kid is already learning.

Jack looks to his son like he grew a second head. Not once has Dom ever prompted his father to find someone, but since he is seeing everyone around his father find love, especially his uncle, I do not blame the kid for wanting the same for his dad.

I have always known that one day I would find someone, or two people, but I always let the chips land where they fall. I never had any intention of forcing the issue. If I found the people to be with, to call my own, then I would roll with it, but until that happened, I was happy to sleep around.

Fuck me, I have some stories from those days, but now knowing that my heart is settling down into a rhythm for Darcy and Cal, it is something that I want to keep beating. They are my ride or die, as bikers say.

I will one day say the words and make it known that they are officially mine. Tattoos will be drawn up because I want them both to carry my mark, and fuck me, I will wear theirs proudly. A visit to Rugged Ink is in the cards for us.