Page 44 of Mavericky

He goes to close the door on us, but Jack sticks his foot out, stopping him.

“Go,” Royal growls, stepping forward.

The little prick runs, calling for the guys in the house.

“Showtime, motherfucker,” Lennox snaps, pushing his way into the house, with the rest of us hot on his heels.

When the lights go out and the music stops, I know that Astrid has turned off the electricity, so there are no security cameras working.

I run for the stairs, taking two at a time, following Lennox, to hunt the fuckers down. Yelling fills the rooms as we search for the four fuckers who will feel pain before we leave.

“Hey, get the fuck out of here,” someone yells. I turn to see one of the fuckers we are here for: Stephen Jonus.

“I don’t think so, cunt.” I charge for him and he actually fucking screams like a little girl, as he turns on his heel and runs.

I chase him down, hearing Royal behind me telling me that he has one of the others. Finan calls that he has one. I smirk as I catch up to the piece of shit, reaching for the collar of his shirt. I yank him back, causing him to fall to the floor at my feet.

He looks up to me with fear-filled wide eyes and it makes me grin wider.

“Not so nice, is it? Having something done to you that you do not want? Yeah, we know all about the fucked-up shit that you have been up to, Stevie boy. But daddy dearest can’t save you from all the pain I am about to inflict on you.”

While he is down, I force my fist into his face, and blood floods from his nose on impact, making me giddy inside. I am not a mean fucker, but push the right buttons and I will come for you.

I rain hits down on him, then pick him up, slapping him against the wall, laying into him more. Catching his stomach, ribs, and kidneys, he cries like a little bitch with each hit and it makes me fucking happy.

I throw him to the floor, bending at the waist, getting in his face.

“No means no, bitch. Be a fucking man and find a woman the correct way. Woo a chick, make her feel beautiful and sexy. Compliment her, you piece of shit. Try being a nice human being for a fucking change; you are a nice-looking guy, use that, not the drugs, to get what you want.”

I hit him again, and I go to kick him in the side when I hear a battle charge coming from behind me. Before I can react, I am tackled to the ground, pain lacing through my bicep, then my calf.

What the fuck?

The guy’s weight is pulled off me before I can comprehend what the fuck just happened. Lennox is beating the little prick, and Finan has to pull him off the fucker before he kills him.

“Shit, brother, you are bleeding,” Royal cringes,

“So much for not leaving any evidence,” I gripe, pain hitting my arm and leg.

How the fucker managed to cut my arm and my calf I will never know. I look over to where the guy is and see that he is covered in blood, unconscious, with Lennox breathing like a raging bull standing over him.

“Come on, you need to get to Jodie.”

Finan pulls Lennox over to us, where there is now a pile of four guys who are all bloody, but only one is out cold.

Royal turns to them, going all future-President on their asses.

“We know everything about you and your fucked up way of hurting young girls on the campus. You do not hurt anyone from here on out, you hear me?” They nod, looking scared as fuck.

“Good. Now we know that two of your little fucked-up daddies-boys crew are not here but they also have been joining in with you in your plans to drug and rape women.” Their eyes go wide with shock, one guy pisses himself and I laugh, then wince at the pain.

“Fuck, man, hurry up. I need to be stitched up.”

I toss the papers down onto the floor at them and one picks them up, reading. With each picture he sees and words that have been printed, his eyes fill with tears; pain is evident, but then I see anger.

“We won’t say shit, but I can keep these, right?” he hisses.

“Yeah. But stay away from any unwilling girls. Try dating the easy way, or we will be back, and believe me, this”—Royal waves his hand at him and his boys— “Will be bloodier.”