Page 42 of Mavericky

I can’t keep the fucking smile off my face thinking about what went down yesterday between Darcy, Cal, and me.

We made progress, and fuck me, if my dick had not been hard since I saw them sitting together at Crossroads. They looked so good together and I can’t wait for us to get some time alone with her, because it will be fucking fire.

The way she responded when I kissed her neck and touched her leg. Feeling her thigh tense from my touch, knowing that her pussy was clenching with need for both Cal and me.

She tasted so good when my lips touched her neck, her scent invading my senses, making me wild on the inside. I am kinda glad that Cal told us to stop, because I was so fucking close to taking her to the restrooms and fucking her in a stall.

My cock swells in my pants thinking of them both.

“He looks like a virgin who got his cherry popped.” A voice breaks my lustful thoughts.

I blink and look to my left, seeing Finan smirking at me from across the seat, and Lennox, who is wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“Fuck off.” I chuckle at them.

“We do not need to guess who you are thinking about, brother,” Royal says as he looks around in his seat.

We talk while we drive to today’s job.

“How are things with you and Cal?” Finan asks.

He is the more mature and level-headed one of our group. When you catch Finan looking at you, you feel scrutinized and can’t help but wonder what he is plotting in his head. He likes to read people and then act on what makes them tick.

“Things are good.”

“That shit happened fast, brother,” Lennox states.

“Yep, we can’t all be like you, brother, and take years to get what we want,” I throw a jab at him.

Shaking his head, he laughs. He knows I am not being a prick but just stating facts after what he did to Astrid, who is now thankfully his woman.

“It is like a switch went off. We clicked. Like we were always told when we were growing up, we know when we know. We say the word but it has to feel right, and with him it does,” I explain to the three of them.

“Where does Darcy come into this?” Finan asks.

I knew he was going to ask about her. The other Ol’ Ladies of the club seem to be visiting both Darcy’s Delights and Wicked Sugar, which is owned by Tree’s cousin, Lilith.

The women have been gossiping since the attack on Darcy’s shop; they have been checking on her, and from what I have heard they are becoming fast friends. It doesn’t help that Juni is a nosey little shit and is way too fucking wise for her age.

“Hopefully between Cal and me.” I wink at him.

The guys laugh, getting my meaning.

“Brother, she always had a thing for you in high school.” Lennox laughs from his seat.

I look at him, taking in what he just said.

“She was always watching you when you weren’t looking at her,” Finan adds.

“She was hot in school in that nerdy way, but fuck me, she really grew into her body,” Royal comments.

“I wonder how your Ol’ Lady would feel about you saying shit like that about another woman?” I punch his shoulder in question.

He winks at me. “Brother, my woman agrees with me. She was telling me about how nice Darcy’s tits looked the other day in some shirt she was wearing. Tree went out and bought said shirt just for me,” he boasts.

“In high school I always had this pull to her but I was in the club, and fuck me.” I shake my head. “She was too good to be brought into my life back then. I was happy to fuck anything that looked at me, cock, or pussy, I was down to fuck,” I explain.

“I have to agree with you, man. She was always jotting shit down in that notebook that she carried everywhere with her. I remember her adding stickers to the cover to make it look cool,” Finan adds.