Page 38 of Mavericky

Her hands go up in mock surrender.

“I’ll take an ice water, please.”

“Got it.” With that, she leaves.

Tree goes to speak but the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention, then I hear Tree giggling.

“Well, so much for a conversation, it seems that someone else wants your attention.” I follow her gaze, and my heart skips a beat seeing Cal walking towards my booth.

“I will be back. Hey, Cal.”

“Tree.” He greets her with a smile but then he turns his gaze to me and I see heat looking back at me.

I take in his appearance and I have to stop myself from panting. Should a man look this good in simple jeans and a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up? My gaze rolls over his forearms, taking in the tanned skin, the dark hair, but also the expensive looking watch he is wearing, which is a stark contrast to the one he wears while at work. There is a silver bracelet that sits against the watch and three different ones on his right wrist.

He slides into the seat across from me, and my breath catches in my throat when he looks at me like he wants to devour me. Would I let him? Hell yes, have you seen this man?

In and out of his uniform.

Damn, he is yummy.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Tree walk away, leaving me alone with this sexy man.

“How are you, sweetheart?” His voice smothers me like melted chocolate.


“I am good,” I reply, making him smile in my direction.

He nods. “You sure? No residual shit after the robbery?”

“No,” I tell him honestly. “I am good, Cal. Thankfully my staff are handling it well also. Lennox arrived the next day at the same time as the glass repair man, and he, along with Rookie and Slide, installed a security system.”

As I tell him, my chest tightens thinking that they all arrived without Maverick. I haven’t heard one word from him and I am a little disappointed in that fact. When he was at the shop, I thought I felt something between us, fuck, all three of us, but clearly that was all on my side.

Even though they both used endearments with me, I can only imagine that they use them with all the women they sleep with.

As much as that thought is disappointing and upsetting, I have no claim over them. The best thing for me to do is to go on living like I have been, and maybe drive to the sex club that I know down in Miami.

It has been a while since I have been, so it is past due.

“They let me know when they were done with the install. Magnum is suggesting that the other businesses also add some cameras in and a panic button, just for extra protection,” Cal explains.

“That is a good idea. There are some people who are not capable of handling what we went through. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond, who own Hammond Laundry, are too fragile to deal with punks like the ones who came into my parlor.” My anger has grown by the time I have finished.

Cal grins at me and it makes my tummy flutter as well as other parts of my body.

“I like this feisty side to you, babe.” He winks.

I can’t stop the smile that slips across my face as my cheeks heat up.

“Fuck me, she blushes.” His gaze turns molten.

Dropping my gaze, I review the menu that is in front of me. I know that I am supposed to be ordering but I can’t seem to keep from looking at the man across from me.

Nibbling on my lips, I read the same section of the menu over and over again to distract myself until my cheeks calm down and lose their color.

I can feel him looking at me, which is not helping me cool down. Licking my lips, because they are suddenly dry, a growl sounds from across from me and my gaze snaps up to looks at Cal.