Page 86 of Mavericky

“Maverick, she is doing great, is married and has a little boy. She got the help she needed,” Ranger fills me in.

“That’s good, right?” Darcy whispers to me and I nod.

“Yeah, baby, that is good.”

“Not enough help is available for people with mental health struggles these days. Something needs to change before more people are hurt. It takes a long time to help people get through their issues, and throwing medication at everyone who seeks help for poor mental health is not good. People need to be spoken to, need face-to-face interaction, so they can work through their difficulties.” Opal chimes in.

Darcy sits up a little straighter, wincing a little, the wound on her hip still healing.

“I know that what Kady and I just went through was traumatic and we are both recovering from it, but I want to say that I am here if anyone wants to talk. A friend of mine in college suffered and she ended up taking her own life; it shocked everyone who knew her because we didn’t see the signs. I know that I am new to you all and you may not feel comfortable coming to me, but please reach out to someone.” Her voice wavers and I hold her a little tighter again.

Cal shuffles closer, his arm going around my shoulders, as he takes Darcy’s hand in his.

“Fuck me, she just broke my heart into a million pieces and put it back together again in one speech. Damn, she fits right in,” Slide calls out, swiping the corner of his eye.

Farah runs her hand over her Ol’ Man’s thigh, smiling sweetly at him.

“We will find him; it may not be tomorrow or next week, but we will. This man needs to be found before he hurts anyone else, if he hasn’t already. With what was happening at Darcy’s Delights, he never got what he came for, because of her employee disturbing him. So he will seek his money elsewhere,” Della adds to the group.

“So far no calls have come in for attacks, or robberies, or anything that might be linked to something like he did to the girls,” Cal’s stern voice states.

I know he has a lot on his mind, he has since we had that toe-to-toe argument at the hospital the night Darcy and Kady were hurt. Even though neither of us wanted to back down, he did and if I am being honest with myself, I have felt a little distance between us since.

Things between us are tense, no sex has played out because Darcy is healing, and it didn’t feel right with us getting off while she has been in pain.

A pang of pain ricochets around my chest like a live bullet thinking that me forcing the matter to let the club handle the motherfucker could cost me what I want most in the world.

I kiss Darcy’s shoulder, needing the extra contact, causing her to turn her head to look at me. Her brow dips seeing a sad look on my face, and her hand comes up, cupping my jaw, her thumb tracing my bottom lip.

“You okay?” Her question gains Cal’s attention, and he looks to me.

I can feel his gaze burning into the side of my head. Forcing a smile, I nod to her.

“I am good, babe.”

Her frown deepens. “No you are not. Talk to me, Maverick.”

“Maverick.” I close my eyes, leaning into her touch as Cal says my name.

I feel Darcy’s weight lift off my legs and my eyes spring open. She stands before me, holding one hand out for me and the other towards Cal.

“Come on. I think we need to talk.”

With a sigh I push to my feet, holding her small hand in mine. As Cal walks next to me, I can feel the heat coming off his body.

We get halfway across the room when Drix comes bounding through the kitchen door. When he sees us, the smile that breaks across his face is enough to light up the room. He charges for us, but stops right before he can barrel into us, hurting Darcy.

“Mom told me not to ask you, but I am an adult and I can ask any questions I want, but not if it hurts people’s feelings. So can I ask?” He sounds so fucking excited, and I love seeing him happy.

I know he thinks the world of Darcy because she treats him as he should be treated.

“You can ask, brother,” I tell him.

My arm slips around Darcy, my knuckles feeling the denim of Cal’s jeans as he steps closer also. Drix tracks the action, his hands clapping together.

“Is Darcy your Ol’ Lady?” he asks me.

I chuckle, kissing the side of her head. “She sure is, my man.”