Page 82 of Mavericky

“Stop being a pussy, bitch. Let me,” he says, now in a strong New York accent, as the knife is aimed at me and he opens his eyes.

My fear ramps up tenfold and my body begins to shake uncontrollably.

The side of his lips lift up at the corner as he steps closer. It is like I am looking at someone completely different. He stops inches from me, and I turn my head when the knife touches my cheek, whimpering when he drags the blade down.

Wetness slips down my cheek, over my jaw, and down my neck, so I know he has cut me.

“Such pretty blood. I bet it tastes so fucking good. Let’s see more of it, time for you to sleep.”

I scream when I see his fist come up. Pain radiates through my jaw and face, before everything goes black.



My fingers dance over the keyboard as I finish up my current report of the call that I just got back from. A little fender bender, with two older ladies who blamed each other for the little bump. There were only scratches on both cars, so nothing too bad, but fuck me, the old girls went crazy on each other.

Hitting save, I sigh and lean back in my chair, looking over the calendar that I just pulled up on the screen. I have been thinking of asking Darcy and Maverick if they will take a few days away with me.

I have a friend from college who owns a beach house in Florida, and he told me to give him a call whenever I wanted to take him up on his offer to stay there. Checking to see when everyone has booked to be off work, I see there is a good stretch when everyone is set to work, so maybe those dates will be good for us.

I hear chairs scraping along the floor, and feet running, then my door swinging open. I see the look on the face of one of my deputies and I know something is wrong.

“Dispatch just got a call. Two females found unconscious at Darcy’s Delights.”

My heart stops in my chest. My body goes both cold and hot at the same time; I imagine Darcy hurt and lying there on the floor at the ice cream parlor. I will have to tell Maverick that she is hurt or worse. What the hell will this do to us?

Will we survive without her?

“Cal, snap the fuck out of it and let’s go.” I blink at his words and we both go running out of the station. Pointing at the passenger side, I climb in, knowing he won’t let me drive in the condition I am in.

My legs bounce, my heart is racing in my chest as we speed to the store; the lights and sirens going. It makes me feel good about my team knowing that they are all with me on this, all of us in a fucking row speeding down the streets to get to my girl.

We arrive, and I am out before the car comes to a complete stop. There are two ambulances and a flurry of locals looking on to see what is happening.

I see members of the club here, but no Maverick.

I need to know if it is Darcy who is hurt; even though I know it in my gut, I need to see with my own eyes that it is her. When I reach the first ambulance, I see Kady. She is sitting up on the gurney, holding an ice pack to the back of her head, her sister Tree in the back with her. Both women look to me, Kady with pity in her eyes.

“Where the fuck is she?” I hear someone calling out, but it is not Maverick.

Looking to my left I see Maverick running, along with Royal, and Calder. It is him who is bellowing, while he looks like a crazed man looking for something he lost.

He stops next to me, peering into the ambulance, then his shoulders drop seeing Kady.

“Fucking hell, baby, what happened?” He climbs into the ambulance.

Kady opens her mouth, looking between us as Maverick rests his hand on my back. I soak in his warmth, dreading what she is about to say to me.

“She is in the other ambulance, Cal.” Her voice wavers and my stomach bottoms out.

We run over to the other vehicle and my heart stops with what I see inside.

Darcy is lying flat on the gurney, and there is blood down the side of her face from a cut on her cheek, but the other side of her head looks matted with blood, as it covers the side of her face and down onto her neck. The light-colored t-shirt she is wearing is soaked in crimson.

“Fuck,” Maverick whimpers.

“Baby.” I step up, seeing her looking so fucking fragile.