Page 80 of Mavericky

“Damn, that is going straight to my hips,” she jests.

“Fuck off, you look fabulous.”

“I know, but fuck me, it would be worth getting love handles for this.” She points to the tub of deliciousness with the spoon in her hand, then points to me. “You make some seriously good ice cream, my friend.”

“Why, thank you, my kind lady.” I do a half bow as I am sitting down.

“What made you go into ice cream?” she asks me.

I go into detail about my first job and falling in love with the process of ice cream and the discovery of flavors, then add in my ex-boyfriend who liked to screw my staff behind my back.

Now when I think of him, I feel nothing, and that is, in large part, thanks to Maverick and Cal. For a long time after what he did to me, I felt resentment and anger, but now nothing. He is a part of my past and should be left there so I can concentrate on my future with two extremely hot men who want to be with me, who like that I am strong-willed, and support that I have my own company.

“Well, that douche fucked up. He is lost out messing with those other girls when he had a sexy as sin woman like you,” she exclaimed.

She takes another mouthful of ice cream. “You lucked out girl, with Mav and Cal. Maverick is one of the best men I know; he’s loyal and will always be there for when you need him. I grew up with him so I know him really well, plus I wouldn’t lie to you. Now Cal… that man is all kinds of fucking hot; I love that he is older than you and Mav.”

I think over her words and she is right. I am lucky for having them in my life. They see me, not just for the mind-blowing sex that we have. The sex is great but maybe we could all go on a date, get to know each other more on a deeper level.

“So, what about you? Any love interests?”

Her cheeks tint pink when she shakes her head no, but I know there is a story there.

“I am not seeing anyone right now. Enjoying my singlehood.” She laughs.

“Really? No man who has caught your eye? I was sure that while I was at the clubhouse for Luna’s birthday I saw some sparks between you and Calder?”

She chokes on air, because her ice cream is finished. I rub my hand up and down her back, to soothe her, while she catches her breath. Once she is doing better, she looks at me with wide eyes.

“What the hell, Darcy? Have you met Calder? He likes to fuck anything with tits and ass.”

“Okay, so did Maverick and the rest of the guys in the club. They belong to an MC, Kady, none of them are saints. And do not tell me that there haven’t been any men between those lush thighs of yours.”

“Fuck, I forgot how forward you are. I know what they are like, I have been around the club long enough to see some of it, and believe me, it is nasty at times. Calder is cocky, and knows that he is hot, that is what gets him so much pussy. The ladies, if you can call them that, love him, and I have been hurt before by a guy who knew he was super-hot, and I don’t think I can deal with that kind of drama again.” She shrugs when she finishes speaking.

“I hear you, babe.” I place my hand over hers. “Come on. What do you say we go to Junction for a drink or five?”

“Now you are talking.”

After turning all the lights off we gather our things, and with one more check to make sure the machines are turned off, we step toward the front door.

“Did you hear that?” Kady asks.

I turn to look at her and shake my head, having no clue what she is talking about. I go to speak and I hear it this time.

“Fuck,” she mutters.

Turning back to look to the kitchen where the noise came from, I know that I need to go and check it out before leaving. It could simply be an animal or something that has fallen over.

“What are you doing?” Kady whisper yells.

“I need to see what it is. It could be an animal, or something with a simple explanation,” I reply on a whisper.

“No. Have you not seen any horror movies? The girl goes to check the suspicious noise out because she is a curious bitch, then she gets sliced and diced.”

Waving her off at her silly notion, I slowly and as quietly as I can, make my way through the shop. As I reach the door that leads into the kitchen, I turn to see if Kady is still in the middle of the room, but my heart leaps out of my chest seeing her inches behind me.

“Jeessus, fucking hell. Woman. You scared the shit out of me.”