Page 59 of Mavericky

I sit back in my chair, my heart beating so fast in my chest, I feel like it will give out any second and I will miss all the time I would have had with Cal and Maverick. Maybe I would haunt them? Watch them fuck each other and flick the bean from heaven. Angels and dead people have sex and orgasms, right?

My hand goes to my chest, as if I can control my heart through the simple touch, and I can feel it through my clothing. Oh God, I am going to die.

“Darcy, calm your breathing down. You are okay, sweetie.” I hear my mother’s voice, as my chair is shifted to the side.

Why was it so hard to tell them and be fucking normal?

They would never judge me.

They would support me no matter what I wanted to do with my life.

They will accept both Maverick and Cal.

My heart stutters in my chest as the realization hits me. I am freaking out because I am in a new relationship with not one man, but two. Holy shit. It has always been a fantasy of mine but never did I think it would happen in real life.

Bringing my gaze up to see my mother, her worried gaze meets mine when she cups my face.

“In and out, sweetie. In and out.” I do as she says, my breathing calming down.

I look at my family and they all look worried. Licking my lips, I smile at my mom, then at each of my family members, showing them that I am okay.

I am not okay, but I will be.

“You good?” my father asks me and I nod to him.

“Yeah, Dad.” I give him a reassuring smile to calm him also.

“So why don’t you try that again,” my mother adds.

Breathing in deeply, I focus on my parents and explain.

“I am in a new relationship with Maverick Burke from the Rugged Skulls MC and Sheriff Cal Warren. It has been just over a week since we decided to try something more between us. They were already in a relationship, as I am sure you already know; everyone does. Anyway, they are both bisexual and have always known that they would like a thruple relationship, they just needed a woman between them, one that they connected with. It turns out that it is me that they want.”

I sigh and close my eyes, picturing my two men naked, kissing and touching each other before inviting me in.


Shaking my head, I focus on my story.

“As it turns out, Maverick has had a thing for me for some time, as I have for him. As for Cal, I thought he was hot when he started his new job here and the connection between the three of us together, or separately, is something I have never experienced before. No other man has ever made me feel the way those two men do.”

“Not even fuckface?” Wells asks me and I shake my head.

“Not even fuckface.”

“Who is fuckface?” Dara asks.

Grady beats me to it. “Fuckface is Darcy’s old boyfriend who hated that she was going to be more successful than him, so he decided to pay her back by fucking her staff behind her back.”

Dara’s nose crinkles.

“I do not understand cheating. If you know that you are going to be unfaithful to someone, then break it off and go be with whoever you want. Less pain that way.” They shrug.

“I knew I liked you.” I hold my hand up for them to high-five.

“So, you are with two men?” my mom asks.

I look to her and nod.