Page 2 of Mavericky

“Of fucking course, it had to be you who says you will do it first.” Rookie shakes his head at his son.

Calder frowns at his father. “Tell me that one of you men with Ol’ Ladies would be happy telling your women that you had to work around porn stars all day, naked women walking around, fucking, moaning. I am doing you all a service by offering myself as a sacrifice. You are welcome.”

“Have you met your mother, boy? She would skin me alive,” is Rookie’s reply.

“Well then, I will help out Perri.” Calder shrugs, but I can see the wicked glint in his eyes.

He is going to enjoy way too fucking much working over at Rugged Online Entertainment, the club’s porn company. The man is like me, he fucks anything that moves. Fuck, we were all the same at one point, except Finan and Jack.

Jack is always selective of who he fucks or does anything sexual with; he doesn’t jump in headfirst. He is still scared after what Dominic’s egg donor did to him, but one thing for sure is that Dom never sees his father with any women.

As for Finan, he was never one to fuck random women. Yeah, he would get his dick sucked on occasion. Like Jack, he was selective, but he has a woman now, Joss, and a stepdaughter, Juni.

Royal, Finan, Travis, and Lennox are all settled down now, and only Calder, Jack, and me are still single.

“Okay, that is sorted. Maverick, I need you to look into this guy for me.” Pres slides a piece of paper to Opal, then it gets passed down the line of brothers to me.

“Mark O’Malley? Who the fuck is he?” I inquire.

“He is an Irish mob boss’s grandson. He did some nasty shit in Ireland, then he fled to Miami. His grandfather reached out to Rookie to help find him. Once we do that, they will come and collect him to go home to face his punishment,” Magnum explains.

“On it.” I nod.

“Slide, how are the accounts looking?”

Slide nods his head at Pres. “Looking good, brother. Plenty of money in the club’s accounts; we are not hurting for cash right now. All bills are covered, all wages are paid, and I added a little more in The Academy’s account also, because they had their big puppy drop-off last week.”

“Fuckers. Can’t believe they would do that; the furbabies were only a few days old,” Travis growls.

He hates any animal getting hurt; he even adopted a dog named Kevin not too long ago.

“Heard that, brother.” Royal fist-bumps him.

“The Rugged Hunters are doing well after this Irish collection. Thanks to your negotiations on price, the boys can take some time off, and not have to worry about getting money in the bank,” Slide finishes up.

I look around to my generation of brothers, as they all smirk.

“We hunt, boys,” Royal calls out.

“Fuck yeah we do,” Trav’s loud voice booms.

We bang our fists on the table, making a racket, but fuck me it feels good to be here. Being a part of the club was always my plan, even though growing up my parents told me that I could do whatever I wanted and while I would be a member of the club, it would be without the cut.

That did not appeal to me whatsoever, I needed that cut. It was, and still is, in my blood.

I live, breathe, and bleed for the Rugged Skulls MC.

Pres ends church and we all file out, me going to my room to get started on looking for this little shit the Irish mob wants back. He must have done some bad shit if his family is looking for him to dish out their punishment.

“Let me know what you find, brother,” Royal calls out to me.

“You got it, man.”

I get to my room and fire up my machines, knowing that I will need two, maybe three software systems working to find the man.

Not an hour later, I leave my room with papers that I printed off ready to go and look for the guys. When I step into the main room, I find Tree sitting on Royal’s lap, kissing him slowly. A pang of jealousy hits me, but not for the reason that I want Tree, but because I want what they have.

Everyone sees me fucking men and women left and right, but deep down, I want someone to come home to. Cheesy as fuck, but there is it, ladies, and gentlemen. The hidden life of Maverick Burke.