I glanced down at my phone, now blowing up with notifications.

“You might not want to look at any texts from Maeve,” Lena commented, her cheeks slightly reddened.

I took the moment, now that we were mostly alone, to really observe her. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head, not even a little makeup was on her face, and the oversized T-shirt and leggings confirmed that she’d had a rude awakening this morning. Oops.

“Why are you just staring at me?”

I shrugged, not having a good answer. I went back to looking at my phone, navigating through all the messages to a text from Maeve. Tyson had made me put her number in my phone in case of an emergency, and as I clicked on the message, revealing a video…I was glad she had my number too.

“This is gold,” I chuckled as I played the video—Lena handcuffed to a chair as some dude dressed like a shitty Halloween cop started dancing.

She grabbed for it. “Oh my gosh, don’t watch it!”

“He was all up in your space.” My words came out flat, and suddenly, I didn’t want to watch it. Fuck this. The guy’s face was buried in her hair, his hands nearly touching her hips.

And the fact that she looked so fucking hot in a tight red dress made it that much worse.

I exited out of the video and set the phone down.

“It was disgusting,” she commented from beside me, her voice quiet.

I didn’t look at her. “Yeah.”



“Are you nervous?” I asked Maeve, stunning in her lacy, mermaid wedding gown.

“No way.” She waved me off, though I saw right through her. She was totally nervous…but true to herself, she wouldn’t admit it. “I’m so ready for this. I think it’s going to be amazing.”

“There’s a lot of press here.” I peeked through the window out into the lobby, watching as the guests were screened. A lot of them had passes, and others were just dressed to the nines—some identifiable as celebrities.

“Don’t tell me that.” Maeve tugged at my arm. “I seriously don’t want them to catch me from the wrong angle. I look like I have a big nose sometimes.”

I shook my head, smiling warmly at her. “You’re always beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she nearly whispered. “There’s a reason you’re my best friend, you know. I have all these friends, but I feel like you’re the only one who really knows me. They just know the old version of me—or the work version of me.”

I nodded, noting that all the other women were MIA from the suite. They were socializing in the lounge with the groomsmen. “I’ll always be here for you.”

“Are you nervous about the proposal?” Her question caught me off guard.

“Oh…” My voice trailed off. “I…I’m just trying not to think about it.” Which was the truth—I didn’t want to think about what was to come at the reception. “I know I just have to say yes.”

“Yeah…” Her eyes held mine. “And just remind yourself that it’s not real.”

The wedding was gorgeous. Tyson cried when he saw Maeve. I walked with Nel since he was Tyson’s first best man—and then Jackson with Rashida. Jackson kept his eyes on his feet the entire time…and I wondered if he was nervous about what was to come, too.

Probably not. This is just a game to him.

I sipped on a glass of champagne, watching Maeve and Tyson share their first dance. Her mom was filming it with her phone like there wasn’t a professional camera crew there.

“They look happy.” Jackson’s voice was low.

I turned to see him. “I guess they made you come talk to me since you’re supposed to be proposing.”

His brows shot up. “Damn, okay.”