“Around here, we give a certain kind of punishment to cute lawbreakers like yourself,” he began, music filling the room.

Oh my god.

He started dancing and I felt my face growing red as he unbuttoned his shirt. I didn’t know where to put my eyes, feeling like it was a sin to watch him undress.

And then he came closer.

“You’re not watching the show, you naughty girl,” he chided me teasingly, bopping me on the nose.

Please let this be over fast.

He leaned over me and started writhing and thrusting, while my body got warmer and warmer with embarrassment. I shrunk back into the chair as far as I could—and I knew one thing was certain…

I would never choose to do this for my own wedding.

Officer Sexy kept stripping down and I kept thinking about anything other than his dick swinging in my face. As I let myself zone out, my thoughts ran to the one person I wish they wouldn’t.


Were they seeing strippers? He would probably enjoy it more than I did. Ugh. Maybe I wasn’t any fun.

Officer Sexy flipped around, doing some sort of fancy move that made all the women applaud. His head was now right at the nape of my neck, and I just kept trying not to hyperventilate. Thankfully, he wrapped up the dance at the end of the song and reached around me, uncuffing me.

“Your punishment is over. Your choice of who goes next,” he said to me, barely even out of breath. This guy had to be in phenomenal shape to do this for a living.

“Her.” I pointed to Maeve. “And I think it should be extra-long. She’s been a very bad girl.” I couldn’t hold back my laugh, and neither could anyone else, as Maeve’s eyes went nearly as wide as her face.

But I could already see the excitement building in her.

She was going to enjoy every freaking second of it.

Good for her. She deserves it.

Now that the attention wasn’t on me anymore, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I read Jackson’s apology and let out another sigh. Chewing my lip, I texted him back.

Stop apologizing. It is what it is.

And that’s all I could think of to say. None of the rest of it really mattered. The tiny snap of feelings I had felt for a brief moment were gone. Jackson was, well…Jackson. It would never happen for real between us. I wasn’t even sure if we could be friends.

Everyone laughed and shouted as Officer Sexy gave Maeve the same treatment as me—only it lasted twice as long. Her face stayed bright red the entire time, but unlike me, she egged him on. I laughed as she seemed to enjoy every moment of it, while I waited for Jackson’s drunken reply…

But it never came.

“Come on, ladies.” Maeve waved us toward the limo. “I think we should finish up at the hotel.”

Thank God.

It was nearly two o’clock in the morning, and the buzz I’d gotten after the whole stripper thing was long gone. I was stone-cold sober—and freaking tired. I fell in line with the other eleven women and slid into the limo when it was my turn. I got stuck between Maeve’s high school friend Lindsey, and Maeve herself.

“So, did we all have fun?” Maeve asked drunkenly.

We all cheered. It had been pretty entertaining, minus the fact that I’d spent most of it wondering why Jackson hadn’t texted me back.

“Girl, you are living the high life,” Lindsey said from beside me. “It’s everything you ever wanted.”

I smiled. She wasn’t wrong. This kind of life was what Maeve wanted.

“Thanks.” My best friend beamed back at her. “I never thought I would get here. Back in high school, it seemed possible, but then when I moved here, it seemed like it would never happen.”