“No strippers?”

“No, Aaron,” Tyson groaned. “No freaking strippers.”

“But Maeve is hiring one.” Aaron really wouldn’t let it go.

Tyson’s frustration was borderline amusing. “Yeah, but that’s because it’s different for women or something. She’s just doing it to be funny—and I’ve never been into strippers.”

“Damn. It would be funny for us too,” Aaron grunted. “Might as well go to the bowling alley or bingo night or some shit.”

Shaking my head, I turned to him. “Why are you in a shit mood tonight?”

He shrugged. “I’m not.”

“You definitely are.”

“Yeah…well…” Aaron’s voice trailed off as he reached for the mini bar in the limo. “I started liking this chick and then she ghosted me.” He paused, downing a big swig of something with a label I couldn’t read. “And who the hell ghosts us?”

“It’s a blessing not a curse,” I reasoned. “Women are nothing but problems.”

“Says the guy who’s hung up on the rando music teacher,” Nel snorted. “We’ve all noticed how much you’ve changed since meeting her.”

“I haven’t fuckin’ changed,” I spat back, glaring at him. “If anything, she’s made me even more set in my ways.”

“You hardly drink anymore,” Nel pointed out.

Fuck these guys…

“Give me one of those.” I motioned to a small bottle of tequila.

“Dude, you don’t have to—”

“Shut up, Tyson.” I grabbed the bottle from Aaron and undid the lid. In one big gulp, I downed it, ignoring the hellacious burn. Man, I really haven’t drunk much in a while.

“This is gonna be an interesting night,” Nel chuckled from the other side of me. “I can already tell.”

Yeah, well, the old Jackson is coming back. Lena hasn’t—and won’t—change me.

“Oh shit…” Nel muttered, leaning against the bar of the club. “You know what, we’re only like, two hours in—and I’m feeling it.”

“You’re a wuss.” I burst into a fit of laughter, reaching for another shot. I downed the fiery liquid like water, no longer feeling the burn…

No longer feeling anything.

“Guess I was wrong about you.” Nel patted my shoulder. “You’re drinking more than ever. But…” His voice trailed off as he glanced around. “Do you know where Aaron and Tyson are? I feel like we should’ve seen them by now.”

I shrugged, my head spinning. “I’m not their keeper.” I turned to the blonde bartender, who’d been giving me googly eyes all night. “Can I get another few of those?”

“Anything for you.” She winked at me.

Yeah, I bet.

I snorted to myself. This was how women usually responded to me—not the way Lena did. Lena had always acted like she hated me…from the very beginning.

Fuck that.

My hand dug into the front of my jeans, searching for my cell phone. “Shit,” I muttered as I tried to find it.

“Can I have one of those?” Nel shouted over the music bumping.