“What do you want me to do about it? I’m not taking back the engagement. I don’t care what the tabloids say.” Tyson’s voice brought me back to the moment. “Who gives a shit if the tabloids think I’m crazy? Anyone who spends their whole life following and documenting—and judging—the lives of others is stupid, anyway.”

Genna nodded, her hair bobbing. “Yeah, but events like this affect your sales and that’s why I’m here. I don’t want this to come back on you and the band.”

“How would it?” Tyson shot at her.

“Yeah, I gotta say, I don’t get this one,” Nel echoed his thoughts. “Who gives a shit? He could’ve gotten married off in Las Vegas. Everyone would’ve just thought that was funny.”

Genna’s dark eyes bounced between us like we were all missing something—and I thought we probably were. “You guys don’t get it. If you would’ve been off in Vegas eloping under the direction of Elvis, that would’ve been a mess…but it would’ve actually fit the rock ’n’ roll vibe. However, I actually don’t think this engagement is the catastrophe the media is saying it is—I think it’s the perfect theme for the new album.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “I’m not writing an album about a fast engagement and wedding.”

“You don’t have to. But I think the album should reflect deep relationships and love. That’s the era you guys need to be in.”

“Just shoot me now,” I groaned, shaking my head. “I’m having writer’s block as it is. Now you expect me to dredge up some love songs? I don’t think so.”

“So work on it with Tyson.” Genna was not amused. “You’re a band. You can write about something other than just your experiences, Jackson. Besides, the record label is going to be coming up for sale…and you all want to be something worth buying.”

The record label is up for sale? Why?

“Why?” Aaron beat me to the punch.

Genna shrugged. “Just business, I’m sure. I don’t know much about it. It just came up.”

I could buy it.

And then what? I shook my head at the crazy thought. Running a record label would mean I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time having fun or touring with the band. I didn’t get much further with that thought either before my phone started to ring, so I pulled it out of my pocket.


“I gotta take this,” I said to them all, pushing back from the table and slipping out of the room.

“Hey, what’s up?” Dad’s voice sounded strained on the other line.

“Uh, just doing what I do. I don’t know. Having some lame PR meeting about the fact that Tyson is engaged after like a month of dating.”

“Ah, yeah, I saw that article. I didn’t think it was real.”

“Yeah, well, it is. The tour is over for now too, but there might be a surprise tour at the end of the summer—if we can come up with a good single,” I grunted, grimacing at the thought of a love song. “What’s up with you?”

“Sounds like life is going well for you, son. I’m happy for you…” His voice trailed off. “But you don’t sound very happy.”

“I’m always happy,” I snorted. “You’re not answering my question about you.”

He chuckled. “There’s not much going on here. Do you remember Troy?”

“Everyone knows Troy, he’s your best friend.”

“Yeah, I’m thinking about heading out there to work on a business with him. I don’t know if it’ll actually happen—or when it’ll happen—but it’s about all I have going on right now. I’m starting to get old…and lonely. I’m tired of living by myself.”

Well, this just got really fucking deep.

“I guess you can always come and stay with me for a while,” I suggested awkwardly. My dad never talked about shit like this. He was always stoic and generally positive about most things.

“Nah,” he laughed. “I’d just be one big hamper in your game. I know how you are, even if I don’t necessarily like that you party so much.”

“I really haven’t been lately,” I admitted, thinking back to one long sober night at Tyson’s party. “I don’t know why though.”

“I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life like that, you know.” Dad’s voice softened in a way that surprised me, and I found myself eyeing everyone who passed me in the hallway—like they might suddenly be able to hear the entire conversation.