And that had me wondering what was really going on tonight.

“Thanks for inviting me,” Colt answered like a polite gentleman. “Your place is as nice as always.”

“I’m sure it’s got nothing on that house in the Hamptons.”

“Nah,” Colt chuckled.

He has a house in the Hamptons. I should be attracted to this.

“You want something to drink?” His eyes turned to me. “You look a little tense.”

I nodded, ignoring the strange look from Tyson. “Yeah, sure. Something to drink sounds really nice right now.” My laugh afterward was beyond awkward, and they both raised their brows at me.

I’m failing this assignment.

Colt waved down a waiter for champagne while I scanned the crowd, looking for whoever else might be there. I noted quite a few of Maeve’s model friends—friends that I didn’t know—among some A-list celebrities.

Intimidating crowd.

“Here.” Colt handed me a glass of champagne. “Shall we go find somewhere to sit and chat?”

I nodded, taking a long draw of the liquid. I followed him to a couch in the same sitting area I’d passed through to get to the Florida room. There were people everywhere. I took a seat on the couch, angling my body to try and focus on Colt.

“So, Maeve told me that you start your master’s next semester.”

“Um…” My voice trailed off. “I…yeah, maybe. It just depends on if I can come up with the funds.” I decided to just to be honest, knowing that there was no point in hiding anything from him. I knew this was going nowhere.

“Oh, I see.” He lifted the champagne glass to his lips and downed it.

Well, looks like that’s that. He’s not into this either.

“Colt, haven’t seen you in forever.” A deep voice rattled my ribcage from behind me.

“Jackson!” Colt jumped to his feet, reaching out and shaking his hand. “How are you, man?”

“Great,” Jackson answered him, and I didn’t bother to turn around. I didn’t want to see him. I knew I’d just be left wondering why the hell I came in the first place.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Tyson clinked a spoon against a glass. “I know you’re all wondering why you’re here.” He stood across the extravagant room, holding Maeve’s hand…

And then it hit me.


“I haven’t known this woman long, but I didn’t have to. I knew immediately she was the one for me.”

“No…” Jackson’s voice echoed what I was already thinking. “Dude, don’t…”

And then Tyson got down on one knee.

My eyes went wide as I took in the sight, no longer able to process what was coming out of Tyson’s mouth as he looked up at my best friend…

Who said yes.

The crowd burst into applause, Colt included. But I couldn’t bring myself to move. This was…this was insane. Everyone rushed around the two of them, offering congratulations, and I forced myself to smile when Maeve met my eyes.

And I gave her a thumbs up.

It was the only thing I knew to do, because there was no way in hell I was going to try and be a voice of reason in the moment. I glanced over to Colt, who was already off congratulating Tyson. I used the moment to escape the chaos, swiping a fresh glass of champagne from one of the servers.