
My head whipped to Tyson, and I couldn’t decide if I was pissed or just shocked. “Why did you do that?”

“Because she’s Maeve’s best friend, and we want to be able to double-date. We’re hoping it’ll also maybe smooth over the party this evening. Maeve wants her to come, and we thought it might be cool for her to have a date. It’ll give her someone to hang out with.”

I felt like a bear in a cage, and I gritted my teeth as I tried not to punch my best friend right in the fucking face. Why does it bother me so bad? I haven’t even talked to her.

“Hey.” Genna’s voice cut right in between us, and she snapped her fingers. “You two can duke this out later. We need to ride this high of your image. It’s completely trampled everything else that’s been said. I want you to consider a relationship with the woman—fake or otherwise.”

“I’ve never played that fucking game. It’s a horrible idea. You know that.”

“And I also know that your album sales are at an all-time high, so maybe for once take the hint to settle down.” Her voice was cold and unforgiving as she glared at me. “If you want to keep to public events only, that’s fine—and this party tonight will need to be kept under wraps.” She turned to Tyson. “There needs to be an album that comes out of this as well.”

Tyson nodded, glancing over to me before going back to her. “Are you sure this is the best idea? Putting Jackson is some kind of public relationship? We know what usually happens…”

The room continued to stay silent, and I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. My concerns about the entire thing had nothing to do with my ability to behave—and everything to do with being around Lena again.

I don’t know if I can do it…

My mind filled with the memories of her body beneath mine, and the feelings that had followed. I mean, the woman still had my shirt—well, maybe, anyway. I couldn’t blame her if she threw it out. I had pretty much ghosted her at this point.

No wonder she doesn’t want to come to the party. Maybe she’s trying to make me jealous with a date.

For some reason, that thought kind of put out the fire burning in my chest. However, whoever Tyson had picked for someone like Lena would be high caliber, since he cared so much about Maeve.

And that was kind of intimidating.

“Listen, it’s something that you need to think seriously about.” Genna folded her arms across her chest. “If you don’t want to do it, that’s on you. However, it’s important to remember that your momentum is full steam ahead—and it’s picking up more than it ever has. You can either ride this all the way to superstardom, or you’ll burn out like all the rest of the rock ’n’ roll guys.”

I was slightly offended, mostly just because I couldn’t understand how the hell being with some normal—but insanely talented—music teacher would do my stardom any good at all.

I need to get out of here.

All the information thrown at me had put my mind in overdrive, and all I could focus on was the brewing jealousy deep in my chest.

“I’ll give you until tomorrow morning to make your decision.”

I shook my head in repulsion. “What about Lena? What if she doesn’t want to? I’m not going to put her in that predicament. That’s just fucked-up.”

Her eyebrows shot skyward. “Since when do you care?”

Aaron snickered in the background. “Since he met her.”

Fuck this.

“I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem right. But yeah, whatever. I’ll have my answer to you sometime tonight.” I pushed back from the table, unable to get control of my thoughts in the moment.

The thought of being around Lena was exhilarating and horrible—but nothing was plaguing me more than thinking about her in the arms of someone else.

“We’re not done with the meeting,” Genna called after me as I headed for the door, shaking my head. “We still need to talk about that upcoming release—and a possible surprise end-of-summer tour.”

“Nah, no we don’t,” I snapped, shoving the door open. I could hear them all grumbling and murmuring about me as I exited. I knew they thought I was dramatic.

Hell, I was being dramatic.

But it was all just too much.

“Hey, wait,” Tyson called after me as I headed for the emergency stairway exit. “I know you’re pissed at me…but I had no idea you were—”