“Why the hell did they call a meeting?” I asked Tyson as I entered the record label office. “I was planning to hit the gym this morning.”

Tyson shrugged, looking as tired as ever. “I have no idea, but I was really hoping to sleep in past ten on a fuckin’ Saturday. This sucks, man. I have big plans this evening, too.”

“Yeah, I get that,” I said, my eyes scouring the office as we made our way toward the conference room. “I thought everything was good since we did the thing for the school last week.”

“Me too, but knowing them, they’re probably trying to come up with some other shit while you’re on an all-time high.”

“All-time high of what?”

“Dude, the press has been so amped up over that whole thing you did with the little girl at that thing. Have you watched any of it?”

I shook my head. “Nah, I haven’t.”

I don’t want to see Lena dancing again.

There was something about seeing her with kids that had hit me in the strangest way, and it was not good. I was avoiding her like the plague, having typed out multiple texts to her and then erased them—and for that very reason, I hadn’t been out drinking either. I’d just end up back in bed with her.

That’s what always happened in my head.

“You should watch them,” Tyson continued, leading the way to the conference room on the third floor. “You look like a saint. It’s a way different image for you. There’s also been some pictures from the other night that surfaced last night. Maeve found them.”

“What night?” I asked. “I haven’t been out in weeks.”

“The night you guys caught up with Mason Howard. Did you know they’re signing him? I guess Nel worked that whole thing out. Pretty big deal for the guy. I think he’s gonna open with us.”

Great. Never-ending reminder of the woman I need to forget.

“Anyway, let’s see what they have up their sleeve.” Tyson pushed the door open, revealing a whole damn room full of people.

I let out a heavy sigh, and took a seat in between Tyson and Aaron, who looked hungover as shit. Quite frankly, I was envious. It would be nice to go out and actually enjoy myself like I used to.

“So—” Genna stood to her feet, clearing her throat. “Now that everyone is here, we can get started.”

“Is there a reason you gotta talk so loud?” Aaron groaned, his head falling to his hands. “Jeez.”

Genna rolled her eyes. “Really? I know it’s a stretch to have you here on a Saturday morning, but come on. This is important.”

“Let me guess, it’s about Jackson and the mysterious woman he shacked up with after the bar—which we all know is Lena,” Aaron grunted, his head resting on the table. “Can someone get me some ibuprofen? Because I’m already over this meeting.”

I shook my head. “What the hell is he talking about?”

“Yeah,” Tyson echoed. “I haven’t seen anything about that.”

“Well, then you two obviously haven’t been keeping up with the media.” Genna clicked on the projector, and right there, on the screen, was a photo of Lena and me getting into the Tahoe outside of the bar.

Oh shit…

“Then…” Genna continued, clicking to the next article. “This.”

A video of the little kid concert we put on began to play, a video of me singing to Lena—both of us looking like we’re lost in the moment.

“People are buzzing about this budding romance,” Genna said, her voice bright. “And it’s adorable. We went ahead and leaked the video of the two of you singing together,” she added. “It should air tonight sometime. This is exactly what we need to get your image all spiffed up. No models doing tell-alls, just good old-fashioned sweet romance.”

“But it’s not anything,” I countered, my stomach feeling suddenly very nauseous. “It’s nothing at all, actually.”

Genna looked surprised. “It’s not?”

“Definitely not,” Tyson said quickly. “We set Lena up with one of my friends. They have a date tonight.”